two security/SURVEILLANCE cameras

Samantha Edwards – Unmasking the Smart City Agenda that ALL NZ city councils are signed up to!

This is an excellent must watch doco. It is produced in NZ so is NZ relevant (although the plan is global as all countries are signed up). All NZ city Councils are signed up to the UN plan for resilient cities… however we are not being told about what these really mean. The climate argument is a thinly veiled method of sweeping you into a Smart 15 minute city from which you will not be able to venture in your own automobile without a permit … only a specified number of trips per vehicle per year basically. There’s more. It’s not a long watch but essential viewing for every Kiwi… EWNZ

From Samatha Edwards @

Learn what you are not being told about Smart cities including the anything between 20 and 5 minute variety. Observe the ‘wonders’ of the Chinese plandemic response that the WEF is crowing about. That gives you a realistic glimpse of your planned future.



Image by Chris from Pixabay