burning book

And Then They Came for the Books…

From Truthstream Media

A look inside what is happening with digitized books and who can access them. There’s clearly more to the quiet disappearance of hard copies than meets the eye. Brilliant research as always by Truthstream Media.


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Image by Rafael Juárez from Pixabay

3 thoughts on “And Then They Came for the Books…”

  1. You can’t beat a good book. I like the tactileness of holding a book and turning pages and they are good when the grid is down. So many people still love books which I guess is why they need to be ‘got rid of ‘(both books and people) by the globalist control freaks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll say Di. Nothing like a real book & reading them online is not great for the eyes. I find it really hard to part with my books… some I read over & over.


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