The truth about Cyclone Gabrielle: 100s are still missing according to folk on the ground in affected communities (@ 10/3/23)

“…if you talk to the community in general the picture’s a lot different…. we’re speaking to communities that say there’s still hundreds missing”

We’re visiting this subject again with a recently released video at YT by The Felon Show that takes you into the flood affected area of the Esk Valley showing you close up, the complete devastation.

There is a crew of volunteers there on the ground who receive no public funding, assisting locals with the clean up. They are from the group called Man Up (all info & links in video notes).

Cyclone Gabrielle devastation, Esk Valley: cars buried under silt Photo: screenshot

To briefly summarize (and you can listen to the finer detail for yourself) those who have officially been accounted for as passed are those who have been identified by family and friends. However, as the presenter in the video states … “if you talk to the community in general the picture’s a lot different…. we’re speaking to communities that say there’s still hundreds missing”.

As reported in our recent article citing other eye witness testimonies, the mainstream narrative is totally at odds with this. Whose testimony do you think would be the most reliable? In the above link a helicopter pilot reported seeing hundreds in the flood waters.

House swept off its foundations and relocated: Photo credit: screenshot

We now have a ‘system’ that persecutes those who do what normal humans do … run to the rescue, without hesitation … witness the helicopter pilot now being threatened by Civil Aviation for doing so! (See here also, it’s not the first time in NZ).

Please watch this important video and share it far and wide.


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