No safety data? No problem!

C-o-v-1-9 V@cc Reacts and News New Zealand

Are the new Covid 19 vaccines SAFE?
That’s the primary question for so many “vaccine hesitant” or downright “NO” potential recipients. As Operation Warp Speed raced Covid vaccines to market in record time, millions of people are receiving vaccines that are still collecting data on safety and efficacy for the next two years! Quietly, while you may have been wrapped up in your own safety research, several countries have changed their legislation regarding the release of NEW Covid 19 vaccines, designed to counter the burgeoning “variant” (e.g. mutated) strains.Canada, UK, America, Australia, Singapore and Switzerland will now all allow a fast track process for these new vaccines to be used on the general public


Yes you heard me right. It seems that taking the (deemed unnecessary) time to determine that the vaccines will not injure or kill recipients….or that they do indeed work…will take too long and allow covid variants too much time to break away. Instead, the safety record of the currently used Covid vaccines can be used to judge the safety of the new ones, the countries’ regulatory agencies declare. Remember the current vaccines are deemed “Safe and effective”…despite the thousands of vaccine injury horror stories you can access on social media every day.

Based on the existing rubber stamp “safe and effective”, modifications of these vaccines will not require full clinical trials. Rather than full clinical trials, only a small amount of data needs to be put together by the manufacturers prior to seeking an EUA. Then after the EUA is granted further data can then be gathered from people in the general population who are given the vaccines.…

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

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