Tag Archives: trout

Greymouth Star reports a 1080 fish warning – “EXTREME CAUTION” urged


Greymouth Star, 12 November, 2019. By Laura MillsAn angling group today warned people not to eat any trout caught downstream of the Maruia 1080 poison drop, after 680 rat carcases were washed up on North Beach at Westport at the weekend. The Department of Conservation is currently awaiting the results of toxicology tests on the rats, and some birds and fish also found dead on the beach.

The rats are believed to have been swept down the Buller River after the aerial poison drop a week ago was followed by torrential rain in the headwaters.

Health authorities say that because the rivers are still in flood, no one will be catching sports fish. However, NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers president, veterinarian Dr Peter Trolove, said people should not eat trout downstream of Maruia for some time.

He called for more research on the effects of 1080 on fish. “Early studies were not conducted for long enough,” Dr Trolove said.

Trout could consume a reasonable dose and not show clinical signs of the toxin, he said.

“I would urge extreme caution,” he said to anglers.

Dr Trolove said the Government advice to wait a week after a 1080 drop was based on Cawthron Institute tests, which had fed the trout under half a pellet to replicate bykill.

However, he had seen trout taking full pellets. He personally had caught a trout in South Westland more than three months after a winter 1080 drop, and the fish was “blue in its gut” from the poison.

West Coast medical officer of health Dr Cheryl Brunton, who signs off on all 1080 operations, said today the rivers were in flood and no one would be catching fish anyway.

She noted it was not yet known what had killed the rats. “It will be interesting to see what the results are.”

DOC South Island operations director Mark Davies said trout were known to eat mice, but not rats, which were typically much bigger than mice.

If people had concerns, they should follow Ministry for Primary Industries advice to anglers to avoid eating trout from water ways in a 1080 operation area for seven days after the operation. The aerial poison operation in the Maruia valley was completed on November 3. “People need to take a precautionary approach with dogs, which are susceptible to poisoning from 1080. With their propensity to scavenge, people do need to be careful and keep their dogs super vised on leads or keep dogs away from affected beaches until the results of the toxicology tests come back,” Mr Davies said. People should also be cautious when handling dead rats. “If they do contain toxin, naturally occurring bacteria will break this down over time as the carcases disintegrate — there is no threat to human health.” In 2014, DOC issued warnings after the independent Cawthron research found the food safety risk from fish was higher than expected. Two years later, MPI advised a seven-day stand-down. Alan Simmons from the NZ Outdoors Party said today thousands of “poison laden time bombs” had been swept 140km downstream in Buller. “There are likely to be rotting and poisoned animal bodies all the way down the Buller River, ready to kill family pets, moreporks, trout, seagulls and any other creature that eats the carcases,” Mr Simmons said. In 2017 deer carcases were found on a beach in Southland, poisoned possums washed up on Dunedin beaches, and warning signs were recently put on Taranaki beaches after poisoned carcases were found scattered along the coastline, he said.

Posted at FB by Carol Sawyer 

Who is really driving Pest Free NZ (PFNZ) – what you aren’t being told

An excellent article here that throws much needed light on the 1080 poison issue. So here it is in plain sight. Agenda 21, kicked off at the Earth Summit in 1992. If the prevention of biodiversity loss caused by alien species was so above board why are they not selling it to the general public in its original terms? And as I keep repeating, if this UN document were truly about their so called sustainable practices we should by now be seeing some results. Instead we see unprecedented pollution, environmental destruction, poverty, inequality, homelessness & debt. And aside from all of that, what is sustainable about poisoning the entire environment? What is sustainable about poison, period? Oh, that’s right, certain corporate profits.

By J James at infonews.co.nz

What is driving the Pest Free NZ Agenda and the hysteria in eradicating non native species.  Answer – International agreements and a global  agenda to purge all non native species of animals and plants around the world.

Its wise to know that when you stand up to protest DOC for the tortuous deaths it is perpetrating on innocent animals,  that you are confronting not just DOC or the current minister or politician but a host of unelected bureaucrats who manage all the various global agreements NZ has signed up to.  These bureaucrats ensure that things run smoothly. The minister and the politicians are an interface between us and them.  John Key called these global organisations the clubs 

There is much more to this story that you can research yourself but the core thing here is that NZ is part of a much bigger extremist idea under the guise of protecting biodiversity – or purism as I call it –  where everything and anything non native and not productive to  human use will be destroyed.

While you browse through these sites you will read a language that appears benign and even needed, yet the practical application and act of killing so many innocent species unlucky to find themselves in another country is horrendous to contemplate and makes me wonder about the sanity of this human race.

Nature abhors a vacuum and will do anything to balance her eco system and can usually do it – its called adaption its called evolution.  When ‘man’ decides to play god then unintended consequences abound and we are all put at risk.  That we now stand at the edge of this psychopathic agenda of death, we must pause for a moment and consider how industry with the approval of governments have deforested the planet to feed its voracious appetite for money for economic growth at all costs .  There has been a huge cost – industry enabled by  governments have destroyed so much of the world’s natural habitat that species extinction has become so obvious.  The shock of this has forced the agenda of biodiversity loss using eradication of non native species as a means to address it.

Here in NZ it is seen most noticeably in the dropping of poison out of helicopters into pristine ecosystems, rendering them silent.
When New Zealand announced its Predator Free NZ vision it wasn’t as if suddenly someone in the Department of Conservation woke up with a great idea – it was a directive NZ had to follow as part of being a member of the United Nations.  They never mention this.

There is a global agenda to rid every nation in the world of any and all non native species – animals and plants – non productive species that is – cows and sheep bulls and horses and domestic pigs will stay because they are part of industry and form the back bone of many economies.  But the rest that are not needed will be eradicated.

This is the global agenda and it’s time we knew where this kill kill mentality actually came from.

New Zealand is a member of the IUCN which stands for International Union for Conservation of  Nature – on the international stage NZ is part of the Oceania group  run by the Department of Conservation. Its government agencies are:

The IUCN was founded in 1948. Taken from their website it says this:

”….located near Geneva, Switzerland. The Union brings together 86 states, 120 government agencies, 825 national and 92 international non-governmental organisations, 34 affiliate organisations and through its Commissions about 11,000 experts and scientists from more than 160 countries around the world…”

IUCN’s mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. The Union has three components: its member organisations, its six scientific commissions, and its professional secretariat.

IUCN is the only environmental organisation to have official observer status at the United Nations General Assembly.

NGOs connected to this in NZ are:

They all aim for ecological integrity (purity, my word).

All over the world the word has gone out that all creatures great and small that are not indigenous to that land will be terminated.  It’s not just New Zealand


”….. Biological diversity faces many threats throughout the world. One of the major threats to native biological diversity is now acknowledged by scientists and governments to be biological invasions caused by alien invasive species.  The impacts of alien invasive species are immense, insidious, and usually irreversible. They may be as damaging  to native species and ecosystems on a global scale as the loss and degradation of habitats…”

its goals and objectives are …. sound familiar?

”……to prevent further losses of biological diversity due to the deleterious effects of alien invasive species. The intention is to assist governments and management agencies to give effect to Article 8 (h) of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which states that: “Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate: …(h) Prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate those alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species….”

Then there is the CBD which is Convention on Biodiversity and is a legally binding multilateral treaty from the UN of which NZ is a member.  It has three main goals:

“…The conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity); the sustainable use of its components; and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources.

In other words, its objective is to develop national strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. It is often seen as the key document regarding sustainable development. The Convention was opened for signatures at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 5 June 1992 and entered into force on 29 December 1993. At the 2010 10th Conference of Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity in October in Nagoya, Japan, the Nagoya Protocol was adopted…”

or said another way

Protecting Biodiversity.

“….The current decline in biodiversity is largely the result of human activity and represents a serious threat to human development. Despite mounting efforts over the past 20 years, the loss of the world’s biological diversity, mainly from habitat destruction, over-harvesting, pollution and the inappropriate introduction of foreign plants and animals, has continued. Biological resources constitute a capital asset with great potential for yielding sustainable benefits.

Urgent and decisive action is needed to conserve and maintain genes, species and ecosystems, with a view to the sustainable management and use of biological resources…”

Another part of this is the Invasive Species Specialty group 

Their mission statement says:
“….The Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) aims to reduce threats to natural ecosystems and the native species they contain by increasing awareness of invasive alien species, and of ways to prevent, control or eradicate them….”

When you hear the DoC and the minister for the Environment talk of eradicating species this is what they are talking about .  This is what they are instructed to do as a member state of the UN.

Here in NZ we are watching the eradication of  wild game – food that many rely on to feed their families –  hunting is as kiwi as rugby – but a wild food industry is being slowly eradicated under the guise of PFNZ .

NZ has no wild mammals as such,  all wild game including trout existing here now is non native and earmarked for eradication, despite them being brought in over 100 years ago.  The various NZ bodies of these organisations do not come out directly and say this of course,  instead they are doing it by stealth, and the best tool in the box for this eradication appears to be the deadly Sodium fluoroacetate commonly referred to as 1080.



Keep NZ rivers poison free


Published on Jun 23, 2016

New Zealand Streams: The Fight to keep them 1080 Poison free! PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO! https://youtu.be/2K1Z-0F4IAg Made by The Graf Boys – Clyde & Steve Graf Email thegrafboys@xtra.co.nz Web http://www.thegrafboys.org/ Web http://www.thegrafboys.org/ Web http://www.tvwild.co.nz/

Since a 1080 drop in Fiordland’s Hollyford Valleys in late 2017 the rat population has INCREASED & native birds, deer & trout are in severe decline

From Carol Sawyer


(These results come from inside the Dept of Conservation itself, but I doubt that they would have seen the light of day if they were not exposed here! DoC need to understand that not all their employees agree with their poisoning ways.)


This 1080 drop in the Lower and Upper Hollyford Valleys in Fiordland, 5-6 October, 2017 has been an unmitigated disaster! The area had never been 1080 poisoned before.

Read on….



For many years, there has been a volunteer trapping programme in place around Gunn’s Camp on the Hollyford Road. Ninety-eight traps are set along approximately 20 kms of the Hollyford Road, back into the bush a bit, from Marian Corner to Humboldt Creek and for a couple of kilometres beyond the end of the road.

These traps are set approximately 200 metres apart, and they are cleared every three weeks, weather permitting. For years, these traps have averaged a total of 6 to 12 rats every three weeks, all up.

After the 1080 drop, the next couple of trap clearances yielded very little. This is what one would expect immediately after an aerial 1080 drop.

However, now things have changed and, five months on, the rat plague that is to be eventually expected after a 1080 drop, of triple and even quadruple previous rat numbers, (not that the Dept of Conservation will publicly admit to this), has started.

Three weeks ago the traps were cleared and contained 32 rats. Interestingly, some of the traps had two rats in them, which is apparently unusual.

Last weekend’s tally was 24 rats. That equates to 54 rats in a period of 6 weeks, whereas prior to the drop one could have expected, at the most, 12 to 24 rats to be caught in that time.

Rats have NEVER been caught here in these numbers before !

Add to this the fact that the rats being caught recently are all young rats, this means that a veritable rat plague is on its way, and by the time the anniversary of this virgin 1080 drop comes around this October, a rat plague is what people in the area will be witnessing !


Gunn’s camp in the Hollyford was a Kaka haven. Twenty to forty Kaka were regularly seen there, and as many as fifty were counted on one relatively recent occasion.

Moreporks ( Ruru ) abounded. One Morepork used to sit behind a generator shed there, and when the generator was turned off every night it then became very vocal. It was a loved ‘character’ of this special place.

There has not been a Morepork or a Kaka seen or heard since the 1080 drop five months ago. ( The “generator” Morepork was also obviously killed by the poison. ) Fantail numbers have taken a major dive, as the insect population has, of course, decreased and consequently the fantails are short of food.


A local helicopter company has had reports, recently, from hunters it transports into hunting areas that deer numbers are ‘low to non-existent’ since the drop.


It is reported that a big pond in the Hollyford River, above Gunn’s Camp, which always had trout, now has none.


This would be very hard to ascertain. Even an OIA request won’t do it, or at least not in the least accurately.

( Take for example the aborted 1080 operation at Makarora, Mt Aspiring National Park, in 2015, where prefeed baits were dropped, but far too late in the year and winter set in so the poison part of the operation never went ahead. The 66 tonnes of poison had to be retrucked back to the North Island and buried in a landfill (it was rumoured to be in Marton). DoC Wanaka claimed the total cost of that farce was $187,000 but figures i spent a long time working on showed the true cost to be well in excess of $1 million – even before the relocation of 1080 back for burial in the North Island ).

HOWEVER, I was told by a very reliable source ( a local helicopter pilot ) that HeliOtago received $1.2 million for this 40,000 hectare aerial 1080 drop in the Hollyford Valley, Fiordland National Park, last October. That of course was only a fraction of the total cost.

Photos :
Gunn’s Camp – Photo Michael Venter
Kaka – Photo Birding NZ
Morepork ( Ruru ) and young – NZ Birds Online
Gunn’s Camp – Photo Forthloveoftravel
Fantail – Photo Birding NZ
Hollyford River at Gunn’s camp – Photo Earth Burners


TROUT MASS-POISONED IN NEW ZEALAND-DOC warned fishermen in 2014 not to eat their catch

A small reality check here: our waters in NZ are no longer pristine … in fact only 40% of them are safe enough to swim in. Our PTB have settled for ‘Ok to wade in’. This warning by DOC was later retracted (see end of article) however in my opinion, from reading the info, the evidence for its safety doesn’t stack up. Do research it for yourself….   EnvirowatchRangitikei

Published on Sep 29, 2014

New Zealand has some of the best trout fishing in the world!

Every year, thousands of international visitors wade pristine rivers in search of the freshwater game fish.

Large brown trout abound some back-country streams, and feisty rainbows reach weights of double figures in many regions. But there’s a problem facing New Zealand fishing, and it’s toxic, very toxic.

The Department of Conservation is using helicopters to aerially spread the deadly pesticide 1080 poison across New Zealand’s forests and streams. The poison is targeted at introduced possums and bush rats, but many other animals, birds and insects are killed, including deer.

The poison contaminates the food chain, and in a rare admission, the Department of Conservation is warning fishermen to avoid eating their catch, despite paying for the privilege …

This video clip shows that the poisoning of New Zealand’s trout goes much further than a few pesky mice…

Here is a media alert at the time from stuff.co.nz:

1080 Prompts Trout Warning

“Anglers are being warned to avoid eating fish caught in back country waters as they could be tainted by 1080 poison.

The Department of Conservation plans to aerially drop 1080 poison across 700,000 hectares of conservation land, mostly in the South Island, to reduce rodent numbers. 

Fishing groups expressed concerns that mice – which were often eaten by trout – could carry sub-lethal amounts of 1080, posing a food safety risk for humans.

DOC commissioned independent research into the risk, finding 1080 levels in trout flesh were significantly higher than recognised food safety guidelines…..

Read More

DOC predictably scaled back their warning  further down the track, however NZ Fish & Game advised erring on the side of caution“Fish & Game advises that if you have concerns, you should not to eat trout flesh from trout caught in 1080-poisoned catchments, until advised otherwise.” The following video by the Graf Boys takes a closer look at the research cited which ‘officially’ deems the risk from 1080 to aquatic life ‘low’. There are holes in it.

I personally consider it essential for you to research 1080 for yourself. There is much spin about many products from corporations whose bottom line is profit. You need to keep an open mind and read the independent research as well. Long gone is the day we can simply trust what a corporation says. Their legal obligation is to their shareholders, not you. Don’t believe me? Watch The Corporation documentary. And eat any wildlife from poisoned areas at your own risk.


Published on Jan 3, 2015

In a letter to the CE of Waikato Regional Council, the CE of the Environmental Protection Authority suggests that 1080 poison does not harm aquatic life, and breaks down into harmless bi-products in water.

However, some of the research referenced – Niwa freshwater ecologist Dr Alistair Suren’s work – highlights a common trend in the poison industry, with regard to the misrepresentation of 1080-poison science by New Zealand authorities, and those that use the poison …

See the TheGrafBoys YT channel and website for more videos. Educate yourself on 1080 poisoning. See also http://1080science.co.nz/

See also our 1080 pages for info & links, &/or search categories for further related articles (at left of any page). 

Consider liking our FB page &/or following our blog (right of any page) to help spread the word on all the untruths we have been told – we are about exposing corruption and lies!  Use the share buttons! 

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