Tag Archives: security

The NZ Govt is currently advertising for surveillance officers

Ad Description (Trademe.co.nz)

“Our work is secret, but the reason for our success isn’t. It’s our people. And we’re just like you. We’re ordinary people. But together, we’re doing extraordinary things to protect New Zealand and New Zealanders.

This new position is at the centre of our dynamic, exciting and fast moving operational function, directly supporting NZSIS security and intelligence missions.

The role: Your focus in this role is to plan and coordinate surveillance deployments, ensuring resources are used effectively to maximise the delivery of priority intelligence outcomes.

You’ll achieve this by representing the Surveillance Unit across the Intelligence Community and partners – initiating, enhancing and maintaining relationships to support our purpose to achieve successful and coordinated operational results.

You will lift our operational capability by contributing to surveillance training objectives as well as undertake research and development to support the delivery of new capabilities.

We’re looking for someone with:

  • Experience planning and/or coordinating operationally deployed teams within an intelligence, security, law enforcement, defence or similar environment
  • Operational planning knowledge and an understanding of operational risk assessments
  • Knowledge of the domestic security environment
  • Excellent relationship management skills and ability to collaborate and build strong partnerships
  • Sound judgement, critical thinking and initiative in dynamic situations
  • You may also need to be available to work flexible hours at short notice

We offer our people comprehensive benefits, flexible working and great work-life balance. Join us and let us help you become Beyond Ordinary.

Applications close on 28 June 2022.

To be eligible for employment within the NZIC you must have been a NZ citizen for at least 10 years. Alternatively you must hold a current NZ Residency Class Visa and ideally have been a citizen of UK, USA, Canada or Australia for at least 10 years.

You must be able to obtain and maintain a Top Secret Special (TSS) security clearance. Ordinarily to obtain this level of clearance candidates must have a 15 year checkable background in countries where meaningful and reliable checks can be undertaken. Where requisite checks are unable to be made, the candidate application may not be able to be progressed.

Use this online tool to self-check your eligibility for a TSS security clearance. Please note that this tool is not part of the formal security clearance process: http://www.protectivesecurity.govt.nz/eligibility-tool

The NZIC treats all applications for employment in the strictest confidence and we ask that you maintain a similar level of confidentiality. You are expected to exercise discretion during the recruitment process and throughout your career.

Our Covid-19 vaccination policy requires all employees to be fully vaccinated. You will be required to provide evidence regarding your vaccinations status.”


Photo: pixabay.com

Agenda 21 Stack & Pack Mega-Cities

You will live near where you work. This plan is global & already we have signs of it in NZ. The stack & packs are situated near or around the transport/rail center of your cities. Do have a listen, hear those familiar terms, ‘sustainable’, ‘climate change’, ‘greenhouse emissions’, all very much part of Agenda 21 rhetoric. Our NZ planning documents carry the same. The ones about maintaining water quality etc certainly make you gag. The video is interspersed with the actual planning meetings … you will hear how people will be gotten out of their cars and onto bikes or public transport. Out of homes with lawns and into high rise apartments. Note how they haven’t come out and told this to our faces? It’s all gift wrapped & disguised with that new vocabulary. They are fond of repackaging. One discussion tells the planners how to disguise the term ‘toll roads’. They know perfectly well people will not swallow that.


DOC Is Building An $11 mil Fortress Based On 35 Abusive Comments A Year.

From Alan Simmons at alansimmons.co.nz
Alan is President & Co-Leader of the NZ Outdoors Party

“The Department of Conservation continue to repeat the same old story about attacks on staff and how it is affecting their role in protecting our precious wildlife. NZ herald  https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12249704
This article repeats the same old same old as if their spin doctors have told them that if you repeat the story enough, people will start to believe it. But the opposite is happening and dislike for the Department continues to grow at an alarming rate.

You would think that wise heads in the Department could be thinking what’s going on?  What are we doing that has us becoming the most hated government department when we should be the most loved.
The department of Conservation’s obsession with the aerial spreading 1080 has built a huge dislike of the department as predicted by advisors to the Minister Nick Smith when he rammed through legislation allowing the aerial dropping of 1080 without resource consents. Nick Smith’s advice to cabinet included a statement that “Loss of local decision-making is not an effect of the proposed regulation that could be avoided, but rather its primary purpose.”
In my opinion if you take away the public’s right to be consulted then you will get opposition and resentment as the public have no ability to express their feelings except but by protest.

Using Docs own statistics it has 35 incidents per year where staff are abused or threatened out of a staff of 4000.  According to press reports these are having an accumulative effect on staff and diverting them from their work. I would suspect the threats are mostly via social media and some to rangers in the field undertaking enforcement work, so how does this affect the other 3980 staff. Especially when OIA requests to police show few if any of these so called threats are reported.
Rangers trying to enforce whitebait regulations, illegal camping, taking photographs of the landscape and hunting are likely to receive abuse. I would have thought it came with the job or have rangers become so soft and sensitive they report anything that hurts their feelings.?  I personally know of one incident reported where a DOC worker objected to a car parked outside their house that displayed a small ban 1080 bumper sticker.
Is it now an offense to criticise or have differing opinions to a government department?

As a result of the “35 incidents” per year the Department has convinced government to give it 11 million dollars to set up a new division of ex spies or police called “Security and Investigations Team” to deal with these threats.  6 staff to do what one might ask. Drive around town and remove bumper stickers, sit all day on computers and monitor facebook.

Part of the job description lists:

  • Building a security conscious culture and organisational capability
  • Ensuring security and other health and safety incidents are investigated and responded to appropriately

To apply for  this job you need to maintain a “SECRET ” security clearance, you should be able to access  government security and intelligence groups such as NZ Police, security leaders in other government agencies and the NZ Security Intelligence Service.

All of this because people are feeling frustrated about the lack of consultation or the occasional person gives a DOC ranger an earful!
Again DOC will say they have received and successfully prosecuted two major anti 1080 crimes. Both had nothing to do with the “peoples protest”. The first threatened to put 1080 into milk powder and was subsequently found to be a poison supplier who was miffed his own poison was not being used and the second was a lone wolf hunter threatening by letter to release Sika deer. Both were dealt with by the police.

It would seem to me DOC are building a fortress around themselves rather that trying to understand why they are becoming disliked and subject to a hostile public. To my way of thinking a change of culture and understanding would be a far better way to go.

Involve the public and bring the public along with you makes a far more sensible option but I fear DOC are digging themselves into a huge hole to defend their position.

It will take some courage from within the department to start the process of filling in the trenches.







DOC withholds information after demands from Thompson and Clark

The Department of Conservation (DOC) withheld official information after demands from security firm Thompson and Clark, internal emails show.

Thompson and Clark spied on anti-1080 activists for DOC, sharing intelligence through what it called its “Fusion Centre” – locked, hidden chat channels on messaging app Slack.

The work cost nearly $4000 a month – several government departments are signed up to similar packages – and also included a weekly phone briefing involving senior staff from both organisations.



Obama now here in NZ amidst a complete media ban – what’s to hide?

I expect they won’t be discussing the homeless at all? Or our growing child poverty rate? I note the agri tech companies will be dining with him. Check out our recent post on the other simultaneous events taking place. With a complete media ban of course the increasingly restless population of NZ won’t be privy to any of the real agenda for this visit. Free press & transparency are a thing of the distant past. Can you see a very new picture emerging? Note the security. The large gap that neo lib economics has produced both here & globally, between the rich and the poor, necessitates this entourage of muscle. They are flocking here in droves purchasing swathes of property, escaping the very mayhem their own greed & selfishness has bred. I personally see writing on the wall that isn’t good. Watch this space.

From mainstream media

Barack Obama landed in New Zealand early this morning – and our own former Prime Minister, John Key, and his family are already on their way north for a golfing rendezvous with the former president.

Obama is on his first visit to New Zealand and organisers are pulling out all the stops – from actor Sam Neill as one of his hosts, to flying in chef Peter Gordon from London to cook for him.

The 44th president of the United States of America landed in a private Gulfstream jet at Auckland International Airport at 12.13am on Wednesday after spending two days in Singapore. There was a heavy police presence.




A quick peruse at this link will tell you golf’s on the agenda. Hobnobbing with the rich & famous. Or are he & Key discussing how he’s sold us all out? Sold all the housing the likes of which he once lived in? Or perhaps they’re discussing the growing child poverty rate? Or homelessness? Not likely.


He will be dining in style on chef Peter Gordon’s fare…


And amidst a media ban, so what don’t they want the public of NZ to know?

“Former US President Barack Obama will enforce an extensive ban on media and publicity during his visit to New Zealand this week.

There will be no interviews and media cannot report from inside his event.

Newshub has learned the secrecy extends to those invited to his event, who are set to be prohibited from posting to their own social media.

A bit like movie Fight Club, “the first rule of seeing Barack Obama is don’t talk about seeing Barack Obama”.

At his most recent event this year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the rules were that “photography, video recording, streaming and social media posting, including on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other platforms will not be permitted without exception”.



Five Eyes military exercise takes place under pretext of ‘Air Show’ as Jacinda Adern welcomes Obama in preparation of US joining TPPA in 2020.
