Tag Archives: NZ has the world’s most corrupt judiciary

“NZ Has One of The World’s Most Corrupt Judiciaries” – from a Barrister

From http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com http://www.TheVinnyEastwoodShow.com/14/post/2017/05/nz-has-the-worlds-most-corrupt-judiciary-tatsuhiko-koyama.html#ixzz4j5E2RGyF

Tatsuhiko Koyama www.facebook.com/Tatsuhiko.koyama.3
“Court fraud is a lot more common than you might think, and it is a terrifying prospect that you can be bankrupted without even seeing a day in court or even having a judges signature.
New Zealand’s judiciary is one of if not the most corrupt legal system in the developed world, it is essentially an organised crime protection racket.”

[Visit the link to hear the audio and/or watch the video of the interview]

Header Photo Credit: NZ Supreme Court Wikipedia