Tag Archives: live virus

Two British people dead after having yellow fever jab sparked deadly disease

EWR (EnviroWatchRangitikei)
Comment by Dr Tenpenny: “It was revealed shortly afterwards that one of the victims was a leading UK cancer researcher – Dr. Martin Gore who went into total organ failure and died just a few hours after receiving the Yellow Fever Vaccine which contains a live virus. Since he was over 60, the vaccine was contraindicated for him but for some reason, he chose to have it anyway. The second victim also should not have been offered the vaccine as she did not have a Thymus gland and was considered to be immunocompromised.
This vaccine like all of the other ones on the market have never been adequately tested for safety and is far from proven effective.”

Article from metro.co.uk

Two people in the UK have died after receiving a vaccination against yellow fever. The jab, which is recommended for travellers planning visits to Africa, South America and the Caribbean, can trigger viscerotropic disease (YEL-AVD) in around one in 1,000,000 cases. Around 60 per cent of cases are fatal, as the illness can cause inflammation of the liver, uncontrollable bleeding and multiple organ failure. Both victims, who have not been officially named, were in categories of people who should not have received the vaccine.

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2019/04/19/two-british-people-dead-yellow-fever-jab-sparked-deadly-disease-9260683/?ito=article.desktop.share.top.facebook&fbclid=IwAR3RpPJoD-bkdA8gAUh79r__AaKINrKXG61gbzB50ePLGMKe_VoBrldi3bg?ito=cbshare