Tag Archives: LGBT

The plan – it’s no secret just where ‘they’ want to take you

Dana Ashlie’s video from 2018. She outlines in this interview with Jay Dyer, just where the (self proclaimed) elites want to take us. Their plan is there in plain sight, as David Icke also says, for anybody who cares to research this. They’ve made no secret of it. They effectively hide in the shadows from those who prefer not to look deeper. They are held captive & blinded in what is called ‘cognitive dissonance’. Or denial … EWR

246K subscribers
Where exactly are the elites planning to take us? They have been bragging about it for…centuries? Millenia? Here we put together many of the pieces with the help of Jay Dyer, in this fantastic interview on the role of AI ,Technocracy, predictive programming and more. Find Jay’s work at http://www.JaysAnalysis.com and his YT Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/user/jaydyer For those who feel moved to financially support this YouTube video work via your donations, HALLELUJAH! It will help me continue to work more frequently. I’d prefer to be able to do this full time 🙂 Support here gets me closer to that reality, as I do NOT run ads on my vids bc they are not something I want to promote. Put the following into your browser bar: paypal.me/DanaAshlie or reach me old school: Dana A PO Box 3324 Blue Jay, CA 92317 Politics is dεad, bc it was set up to fail and the “cοrruptiοn” you see today are ALSO a part of the plan so we all say “Give us something better!” TECHN0CRACY will be their newly proposed “savior” of the world, best to leave the future of the world up to the EXPERTS, but in this system Gοd is nowhere to be found and U are expendable. Links: Prager U YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PragerUn… Brave New World – 80’s style. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlb1b… McGill Univ. MKULTRA piece: Brainwashed The Secret CIA Experiments in Canada by The Fifth Estate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i82tr… Dr Don Easterbrook and the legendary Climate Change Hearing on CSPAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofXQd… May Peace be with you and May the Truth set you FREE!

Below: Screenshot from the video

Screenshot_2020-05-09 Where are the ΕLITES taking US Jαy Dyεr Interview Techn0cracy's plans to ΕNSLΑVΕ us

The UN ‘Safe Schools’ think your 5 year olds need to learn about abortion, masturbation & contraception among other things

Notice Planned Parenthood is mentioned. That is the organization under the spotlight for abortion & the trade in body parts. Safe Schools is not what it seems I’ve figured that much from my research. The website describing who was influential in starting Safe Schools was an advocate of sexual love between men & boys. I will find that information and post on it when time permits. That original page has gone from the net now, unfortunately I didn’t save it, so will take a bit of digging.

From youreteachingourchildrenwhat.org

The United Nations wants to teach our kids, as young as FIVE, masturbation, abortion, gender confusion, homosexuality, contraception, fornication, and more.

The “International technical guidance on sexuality education,” is based on evidence from heavily pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and LGBT advocacy group OutRight Action International.

The UNESCO guidelines Include the following:

5-8yrs: – Learn about ‘non-traditional families.’
Define ‘good touch and bad touch.’
‘Identify a trusted adult and demonstrate how they would ask questions they may have about their feelings and their body.’
‘define gender and biological sex and describe how they are different’
‘reflect on how they feel about their biological sex and gender’
‘identify sources of information about sex and gender’
‘acknowledge that perceptions about sex and gender are influenced by many different sources’
‘Define Gender Based Violence’
‘define child abuse including sexual abuse and online child sexual exploitation’
‘identify ways that men’s, women’s, boys‘, and girls’ bodies are the same; the ways they are different; and how they can change over time’
‘describe the process of reproduction – specifically that a sperm and egg must both join and then implant in the uterus for a pregnancy to begin’
‘define puberty’
Regarding Sex & Sexuality ‘understand that physical enjoyment and excitement are natural human feelings, and this can involve physical closeness to other people’
‘state that people show love and care for other people in different ways, including kissing, hugging, touching, and sometimes through sexual behaviours’
‘explain that pregnancy and reproduction are natural biological process, and that people can plan when to get pregnant’

9-12yrs: ‘identify examples of how culture, religion and society affect our understanding of sexuality’
‘demonstrate respect for diverse practices related to sexuality’
‘define gender identity’
‘explain how someone’s gender identity may not match their biological sex’
‘acknowledge that everyone has a gender identity
‘appreciate their own gender identity and demonstrate respect for the gender identity of others’
‘describe examples of sexual abuse (including rape, incest and online sexual exploitation)’
‘describe examples of intimate partner violence’
‘express confidence in understanding how the menstrual cycle or ejaculation of sperm happens’
‘describe male and female responses to sexual stimulation (knowledge)
‘state that during puberty boys and girls become more aware of their responses to sexual attraction and stimulation’
‘explain that many boys and girls begin to masturbate during puberty or sometimes earlier’
‘acknowledge that masturbation does not cause physical or emotional harm but should be done in private’
‘compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of choosing to delay sex or to become sexually active’

