Tag Archives: Kenya

Why Didn’t Bill Gates Vaccinate His Own Children?

From https://uspoliticsandnews.com

All 50 states now require children to be vaccinated for multiple diseases before they’re allowed to begin kindergarten. California requires vaccinations before kids can attend preschool or go to daycare, with no religious exemptions allowed.

Connecticut forces parents to have their children vaccinated for an astonishing 9 separate potential illnesses.

Given that the vaccination issue now impacts all families in America, directly or indirectly, you’d think it would have garnered more media attention when it was learned that vaccine champion and Microsoft founder Bill Gates refused to allow his own children to be vaccinated.

This admission came from the Gates family’s personal physician in Seattle, who was speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, “I don’t know if he (Gates) had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.”

In the course of his philanthropic work, Bill Gates has become one of the world’s most vocal proponents of forcing everyone to vaccinate their children.

Gates travels to security conferences and rather than speak about the usual leftist boogeyman of the apocalypse (global warming), Gates rants that a worldwide pandemic disease is going to kill tens of millions of people without warning.

We would also note that despite this fear, which is certainly more rational than global warming based on historical precedent and actual science, Gates is an open-borders globalist. He supports allowing sick illegal aliens and refugees to cross our borders with no obstacles to them (certainly not a wall).

Gates has used his fortune to finance programs with the UN that send doctors in to stick needles into every baby in Africa. Not surprisingly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is viewed with skepticism or in many cases, outright hatred from the people he is supposedly seeking to help.

In 2014, the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association became suspicious of the vaccines they were receiving from Gates and company and sent multiple batches to be tested.

Researchers discovered that the vaccines that were being administered to 2.3 million African girls were full of HCG, an antigen that causes miscarriages and sterilization. Oops.

In India, the situation is even worse. Gates was pushing human trials of the HPV, Cervarix and Gardisil vaccines on remote tribal children there several years ago.

For those who don’t know, these vaccines are for a sexually transmitted disease that is 100% preventable if girls don’t have unprotected sex with hordes of strange men – yet many US states are pushing to make it mandatory for all girls.

In Andhra Pradesh, India, the authorities say five children died immediately after receiving a Gardasil shot and many more became violently ill. In another village, two children died, and hundreds were hospitalized after receiving the HPV vaccine.

California removed the option for parents to obtain a religious exemption from vaccinating their children, because tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley and wealthy elites in Hollywood were all refusing to vaccinate their kids.

It’s remarkable how religious they suddenly became when the state began mandating medical treatments for their own children, isn’t it?

CNN did a report on areas that were most likely to opt out of California’s vaccination schedule. The wealthiest, whitest neighborhoods in Santa Barbara, Silicon Valley and Orange County topped the list.

The American Journal of Public Health also found that kindergarten students in the most expensive private schools were twice as likely to have a vaccine exemption as their public-school counterparts.

Bill Gates and his friends among the wealthy elites refuse to submit their own children to the mandatory vaccinations they expect the rest of the world to submit to.

It seems like the media would be more interested in that story, given the amount of time reporters spend denouncing Jenny McCarthy as a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

It also seems like Bill Gates and the elites know something about vaccines that the rest of us aren’t being told.



Photo Credit: Wikipedia – By World Economic Forum – originally posted to Flickr as Bill Gates – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3782913

The government is injecting women with a vaccine that causes infertility – Raila Odinga, KENYA

Published on Sep 11, 2017

Raila Odinga: The government is injecting women with a vaccine that causes infertility. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: https://www.youtube.com/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/KTNNews Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KTNNewsKenya For more great content go to http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/ktnnews and download our apps: http://std.co.ke/apps/#android

KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond

Abortion Drugs Discovered in Bill Gates’ Vaccines

EWR UPDATE (10/11/2022)
Since posting this in 2017 all references to the original article are now gone. Searching for it brings up plenty of ‘fact check’ material about how ‘angelic’ the Gates Fndn is and never would they wish to depopulate Africa. The Royals would though… note.  Just as an aside.
I did find this article however (there’s a pdf in it titled: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World, download it before it disappears too):

BOMBSHELL science paper documents the depopulation chemical covertly spiked into vaccines

Read on for our original article:

Disturbing isn’t it and not so far fetched given the powers that be have openly spoken of the need to reduce the world’s population. Right there in plain sight on the Georgia Guidestones (google that).  If still in doubt research the Eugenicist movement. You will be surprized. Once openly and shamelessly espoused, it’s gone more underground now. The Corbett Report (corbettreport.com) is an excellent resource on this topic. Here is a link to articles exposing Gates’ association with eugenics.  EWR


UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been accused of secretly sterilizing millions of women in Africa by doctors in Kenya after abortion drugs were discovered in Tetanus vaccines. Antifertility agents were found in the vaccinations after doctors noticed a sudden boom in infertility rates and became suspicious.The program, which is funded by Bill Gates, has been accused of conducting a mass depopulation experiment on the people of Kenya without their consent.According to LifeSiteNews, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association say that doctors have uncovered evidence of a mass sterilization program sponsored by the Kenyan government and funded by Bill Gates. 

REMINDER: the link below is now dead, however there are two article links in the LifeSiteNews link above. EWR

Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2259-abortion-drugs-discovered-in-bill-gates-vaccines
© Neon Nettle




UNICEF and WHO are sterilizing girls through vaccines – from Vatican Radio

Vatican Radio last week charged that United Nations organizations promoting population control are using vaccines to surreptitiously sterilize women in Third World countries. Kenya’s Ministry of Health, along with the UN organizations — World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF — deny the charges, which carry the full weight of the Vatican. Vatican Radio is the official “voice of the Pope and the Church in dialogue with the World.”

“Catholic Bishops in Kenya have been opposed to the nationwide Tetanus Vaccination Campaign targeting 2.3 million Kenyan women and girls of reproductive age between 15-49 years, terming the campaign a secret government plan to sterilize women and control population growth,” reported Vatican Radio, as it took the occasion of the ordination of a Kenyan Bishop, Joseph Obanyi Sagwe, as an opportunity to remind the world of its concern.

The church, which operates 30% of Kenya’s health care facilities and has been providing health care in Kenya for more than 100 years, is not opposed to vaccinations. To the contrary, its health facilities have long been administering vaccines as part of its public health mission.



See the UN Agenda 21/2030 program. And yes they’re operating here in NZ through our Councils as well in case you think we’re exempt. We’re told depopulation is good as there are too many people on the planet. The big lie. There is ample room and resources for all on the planet, it is just that a wealthy few want it all for themselves. (Read Susan George’s exposé ‘How the Other Half Dies’ on that, it’s available as a free pdf online). Study Agenda 21/2030 and see what the UN agenda is. They plan to inventory and control every piece of land and every resource on the planet (see Rosa Koire’s info on that).  As to vaccines, Bill Gates is on record as advocating vaccines for population control (and we all thought they were to save lives). Watch when there’s a disaster in a poor country and the help will arrive in the form of the military and a stock of measles vaccines or similar. (You will have noted this if you watch/read alternative media, not mainstream). 





Links between Glyphosate and a Multitude of Cancers that are “Reaching Epidemic Proportions” – plus other Monsanto/GMO/Glyphosate Updates

Links between Glyphosate and a Multitude of Cancers that are “Reaching Epidemic Proportions”

(globalresearch.com) The original sanctioning and testing of glyphosate for commercial use was seriously flawed: for example, see thisthisthis, and this which highlight the non-transparent, secretive and seriously compromised processes that smack of regulatory delinquency at best and outright fraud at worst in order to protect and benefit the interests of rich agribusiness.
Read more: http://www.globalresearch.ca/links-between-glyphosate-and-a-multitude-of-cancers-that-are-reaching-epidemic-proportions/5486711


Greenpeace: Chinese Farmers Are Illegally Growing GMO Corn

(ecowatch.com) A Greenpeace East Asia investigation into corn production in Liaoning Province, one of China’s major breadbaskets, has found that 93 percent of random field samples and 20 of 21 samples from grain markets and supermarkets in the area tested positive for illegal genetically engineered (GE) contamination.
Read More: http://ecowatch.com/2016/01/06/china-illegal-gmo-corn/?utm_source=EcoWatch+List&utm_campaign=9b3f65e5cf-Top_News_1_7_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_49c7d43dc9-9b3f65e5cf-86010973


Venezuela Bans GMO Crops, Passes One of World’s Most Progressive Seed Laws

(ecowatch.com) Venezuela approved a new law on Dec. 23, 2015, that imposes one of the world’s toughest regulations on genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The anti-GMO and anti-patenting seed law was approved by the National Assembly of Venezuela in its final session. Today, the new opposition coalition—the Roundtable of Democratic Unity—will take over.
Read More: http://ecowatch.com/2016/01/05/venezuela-bans-gmos/?utm_source=EcoWatch+List&utm_campaign=102862baf1-Top_News_1_10_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_49c7d43dc9-102862baf1-86010973


Monsanto and Gates Foundation Pressure Kenya to Lift Ban on GMOs

(ecowatch.com) Kenya is on the verge of reversing its ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The East African country—which has banned the import and planting of GMOs since 2012 due to health concerns—may soon allow the cultivation of GMO maize and cotton after being pushed for approval by pro-GMO organizations including Monsanto, the agribusiness giant and world’s largest seed company.



Monsanto Scraps $90 Million GM Corn Facility Plans Due to Declining Profits

(naturalsociety.com) After the recent press release from Monsanto announcing that the company will cut about 3600 jobs globally, more news of the biotech company’s failure rises to the surface.

Plans to construct a $90 million GM corn processing plant in Independence, Iowa have reportedly been scrapped due to a ‘struggling farm economy.’ [1]
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/monsanto-scrap-90-million-gm-corn-production-facility-67305/#ixzz3yDWf2KmK


Greenpeace Finds Illegal GMO Corn Crops in China

(naturalsociety.com) Greenpeace said in a report released last Wednesday that farmers in northeast China are illegally growing genetically modified corn. [1]

The environmental group led an 8-month investigation last year into what it describes as large-scale production of GMO corn in the northeastern province of Liaoning, a major breadbasket region. GMO strains of corn were found in 93% of field tests and in 20 of 21 samples from grain markets and supermarkets.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/illegal-gmo-corn-crops-china-greenpeace-67328/#ixzz3yE3ZzcOr
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Taiwan Bans GMOs in Schools, Mandates Strict Label Laws

(ecowatch.com) Another country is taking action on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Taiwan has banned schools across the nation from serving GMOs to students, citing health and safety concerns.

On Dec. 14, 2015, Taiwanese legislature passed amendments to the School Health Act to stamp out raw genetically modified ingredients as well as processed food containing GMOs.
Read More: http://ecowatch.com/2016/01/13/taiwan-ban-gmos-schools/?utm_source=EcoWatch+List&utm_campaign=c31898d992-Top_News_1_13_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_49c7d43dc9-c31898d992-86010973

Brazil Slaps Nestle, Pepsi, and Others for Hiding GMO Ingredients

(naturalsociety.com) Six major food manufacturers – including Nestle, PepsiCo, and Mexican baking company Grupo Bimbo – have been slapped with fines by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, which alleges the companies failed to include labels indicating the use of genetically modified ingredients.

The fines range from $277,400 to just over $1 million, for an estimated total of $3 million.
Read more:http://naturalsociety.com/brazil-fine-nestle-pepsi-hiding-gmo-ingredients/#ixzz3yE4vylk9


Huge: Berkeley, CA Joins in Suing Monsanto for Toxic PCB Chemical Pollution

Through a unanimous vote by its City Council, the city of Berkeley, California has decided to hold Monsanto legally liable for polluting the land and water with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). [1]The council’s 6-0 vote means that Berkeley is joining Oakland, San Jose, San Diego and Spokane, Washington, in filing suits against Monsanto, the agricultural biotech company based in St. Louis, Missouri.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/berkeley-ca-suing-monsanto-toxic-pcb-chemical-pollution-30/#ixzz3yE5YGlGw







The corporate crime of the century!

51Ue+bjxMJL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_A couple of years ago I came across a book in a garage sale called ‘Circle of Poison’.  Published in 1981 it documents a trail of intriguing scandal regarding the export of banned pesticides from industrial countries to the third world. Products banned in the US saw the sellers simply exporting the separate ingredients to be assembled offshore for sale to unsuspecting customers oblivious to the products’ banned status. Many of these products were then duly sprayed on produce that would be returned to the country of the original banning. ‘Banning problem solved’ as it were.  One of the authors David Weir describes how he came upon this scheme.  Following a ban in the US of cyclamates, he discovered the ingredient in a packet of Kool-Aid he purchased whilst in Afghanistan. This began his trail of inquiries back in the 1970s  which eventually led to an article in the US magazine, Mother Jones in 1979 entitled ‘The Corporate Crime of the Century’ and eventually to the book Circle of Poison. It imageswas found that not only were toxic ingredients being exported, but defective medical devices, lethal drugs, known carcinogens, contaminated foods and other products deemed unsafe for American consumption as well. The results of this dumping are horrific.

  • “400 Iraqis died in 1972 and 5,000 were hospitalized after consuming the by-products of 8,000 tons of wheat and barley coated with an organic mercury fungicide, whose use had been banned in the U.S.
  • No one knows how many children may develop cancer since several million children’s garments treated with a carcinogenic fire retardant called Tris were shipped overseas after being forced off the domestic market by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)”. (from Mother Jones … more examples in the article)

Lomotil, an effective prescription-only anti-diarrhea medicine sold in the U.S., fatal in amounts just slightly over the recommended doses, was sold over the counter in Sudan, advertised as a product that was used by astronauts during the Gemini and Apollo space flights and also recommended for use by children as young as 12 months. Another item was Depo Provera, a birth control injection. This was banned in the United States because it caused malignant tumors in beagles and monkeys, yet is sold by the Upjohn Co. in 70 other countries, where it is widely used in U.S.-sponsored population control programs. It is currently also prescribed by GPs in New Zealand. Watch for an article on this product. I intend to research it soon. And the dumping of unwanted stuff is still going on by all appearances. More on that in another post. It does illustrate perfectly the utter disregard corporations hold for the health of the public. Again their bottom line is profits.

Here is the Mother Jones Article:

The Corporate Crime of the Century

It’s called dumping: When the U.S. government forces a dangerous drug, pesticide or other product off the domestic market, the manufacturer then sells that same product—frequently with the direct support of the State Department—throughout the rest of the world.

Tom Mboya was the hope of the western world. Bright, energetic, popular and inclined to be democratic—he was a born leader who, Washington hoped, would rise to power in Kenya and help keep Africa safe for United States commerce. In 1969 he was shot down in the streets of Nairobi. An emergency rescue squad was by his side in minutes. They plugged him into the latest gadget in resuscitative technology—a brand new U.S. export called the Res-Q-Aire. What the rescue team didn’t know as they watched Tom Mboya’s life slip away was that this marvelous device had been recalled from the American market by the US government because it was found to be totally ineffective. The patient died….Read More Here