Tag Archives: Experiment

The Most Unethical US Government Experiments On Humans

It’s not new… not by a long shot. EWR

From ranker.com

At times, the American government has been caught conducting inhumane experiments on humans without their consent and/or knowledge. Many even involved the participation of medical professionals, who ironically became hypocrites to their Hippocratic Oath.

Many of these stories sound like conspiracy theories, but sadly, they all really happened. Some are so awful, you’ll be left asking yourself, did the US government really infect its own citizens with syphilis and not tell them? Did other government agencies test nuclear weapons, resulting in radiation fallout on multiple innocent Pacific islands? And did top US officials condone the research of corrupt doctors who were allegedly torturing research subjects? Click through the list below to learn more.

Project MKUltra, Subproject 68 Involved Child Abuse

The CIA-run Project MKUltra (also written MK-Ultra) paid Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron for Subproject 68, AKA experiments involving mind-altering substances. The entire goal of the project was to look into methods of influencing and controlling people’s minds and extracting information from resisting minds.

To accomplish this, the doctor took patients admitted to the Royal Victoria Hospital’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal (mostly for issues like bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders) and conducted “therapy” on them – treatment that was life-altering and scarring.

Between 1957 and 1964, Cameron administered electroconvulsive therapy as frequently as twice daily, as opposed to the recommended limit of three times a week. He would put patients into drug-induced comas and play back tapes of simple statements or repetitive noises over and over again.

The victims often lost the ability to speak, forgot about their parents, and suffered serious amnesia. All of this was performed on Canadian citizens because the CIA wasn’t willing to risk such operations on Americans. To ensure funding, Cameron experimented upon admitted children, and in one situation filmed a child engaging in intimate acts with high-ranking government officials, thus securing himself a valuable bargaining chip – blackmail.



Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Absolute must watch – Israeli MD who treated Trump speaking out on the VX


channel image


28159 subscribers

Dr. Zelenko 90% Will Die! Dr. Tom Cowan: The PCR Tests Are Being Replaced With Something Even Worse!


A warning from Israel about V passports

How Google & FB hijack your personal data to generate profit for themselves (video)

Harvard Professor exposes Google & Facebook

From Dr Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In her book, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” social psychologist and Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff reveals how the biggest tech companies in the world have hijacked our personal data — so-called “behavioral surplus data streams” — without our knowledge or consent and are using it against you to generate profits for themselves
  • Companies like Facebook, Google and third parties of all kinds have the power — and are using that power — to target your personal inner demons, to trigger you, and to take advantage of you when you’re at your most vulnerable to entice you into action that serves them, commercially or politically
  • Your entire existence — even your shifting moods, deciphered by facial recognition software — has become a source of revenue for corporate entities as you’re being cleverly maneuvered into doing (and typically buying) or thinking something you may not have done, bought or thought otherwise
  • Facebook’s massive experiments, in which they used subliminal cues to see if they could make people happier or sadder and affect real-world behavior offline, proved that — by manipulating language and inserting subliminal cues in the online context — they can change real-world behavior and real-world emotion, and that these methods and powers can be exercised “while bypassing user awareness”
  • The Google Nest security system has a hidden microphone built into it that isn’t featured in any of the schematics for the device. Voice data, and all the information delivered through your daily conversations, is tremendously valuable to Big Data, and add to their ever-expanding predictive modeling capabilities




5G Is Coming, And With It Potentially Calamitous Health Risks

“Professor of public health of the University of California Berkeley, Dr. Joel Moscowitz says that MM W’s could pose a very real danger. He told the Daily Mail Online that the deployment of 5G cellular technology is a massive experiment on all health of all species.

This is extremely frightening and should be of high concern to the public. The laundry list of medical issues in every single category is simply, unbelievable.”

From prepforthat.com

You want fast wireless service. Enhanced wireless data speeds are premium services that stand to make Wireless companies billions (and already do). The newest technological enhancement to improved wireless data speeds is 5G. The installation of 5G cell towers is not only going to improve speed, but it is also likely to have a detrimental effect on our public health. Wireless companies have already installed up to 300,000 new 5G antennas.

That’s right, 5G is coming whether we like it or not and health risks are going to tag along with these faster data experiences.

And the 5G health risks war is already making its face known. Local citizens are writing their lawmakers to express their concerns over 5G cell towers.

And they should be.

5G tower waves are being linked to cancer, immune system compromises, and numerous other health issues.

So what is 5G and why is it allegedly so bad for our health?

Oh, and what can we do, if anything, to lower our risks.

What is 5G?

5G is a new technology that offers an infinite data broadcast capability and has an unrestricted calling. The technology uses an untapped bandwidth and is known as MMW. It is between 30 GHz and 300 GHz.

5G, like its predecessors 3G and 4G, allow us to stay connected virtually anywhere. That connectivity between us and our online ventures is constantly challenged by more and more people coming online as well as more modern, capable devices.



During a 5G test in the Netherlands 100s of birds fall from the sky

Published on Nov 11, 2018

#BirdsFallFromtheSky #TheHague #5GTest #starlings #297birds Hundreds of birds have fallen from the sky in The Hague, the Netherlands, during a 5G experiment to see how large the range was and whether the new wireless technology would cause any harm in the local area. Learn More: https://www.sagaciousnewsnetwork.com/… Your Support of Independent Media Is Appreciated: Please send Paypal donations to newsguy@cox.net Source 1: http://www.msn.com/nl-nl/nieuws/opmerkelijk/meer-dan-honderd-vogels-vallen-dood-uit-bomen-in-den-haag/ar-BBOV8d7 Source2:https://www.stopumts.nl/doc.php/Beric… **Follow US** Nwo Report: http://www.nworeport.me Twitter: https://twitter.com/NwoReport Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nwo-Report-1…
PHOTO: NWO Report Screenshot

Abortion Drugs Discovered in Bill Gates’ Vaccines

EWR UPDATE (10/11/2022)
Since posting this in 2017 all references to the original article are now gone. Searching for it brings up plenty of ‘fact check’ material about how ‘angelic’ the Gates Fndn is and never would they wish to depopulate Africa. The Royals would though… note.  Just as an aside.
I did find this article however (there’s a pdf in it titled: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World, download it before it disappears too):

BOMBSHELL science paper documents the depopulation chemical covertly spiked into vaccines

Read on for our original article:

Disturbing isn’t it and not so far fetched given the powers that be have openly spoken of the need to reduce the world’s population. Right there in plain sight on the Georgia Guidestones (google that).  If still in doubt research the Eugenicist movement. You will be surprized. Once openly and shamelessly espoused, it’s gone more underground now. The Corbett Report (corbettreport.com) is an excellent resource on this topic. Here is a link to articles exposing Gates’ association with eugenics.  EWR


UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been accused of secretly sterilizing millions of women in Africa by doctors in Kenya after abortion drugs were discovered in Tetanus vaccines. Antifertility agents were found in the vaccinations after doctors noticed a sudden boom in infertility rates and became suspicious.The program, which is funded by Bill Gates, has been accused of conducting a mass depopulation experiment on the people of Kenya without their consent.According to LifeSiteNews, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association say that doctors have uncovered evidence of a mass sterilization program sponsored by the Kenyan government and funded by Bill Gates. 

REMINDER: the link below is now dead, however there are two article links in the LifeSiteNews link above. EWR

Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2259-abortion-drugs-discovered-in-bill-gates-vaccines
© Neon Nettle




Who Ruined NZ & Why – ‘Someone Else’s Country’

No it wasn’t some unfortunate slip of responsibility or some such. It was planned. We went from full employment & thriving small towns with all facilities, to the rule of the super rich and corporations and the demise of democracy, both locally and nationally. You need to fight this with all your might at your local level. Watch & see how it all happened. EnvirowatchRangitikei

Someone Else’s Country full documentary

from Alister Barry

“The neoliberal revolution in New Zealand. In the early 1980s a group of free market economists came to dominate policy at the New Zealand Treasury. With the election of the Labour Party in 1984 and the appointment of Roger Douglas as finance minister, the new right elite took power and began relentlessly and ruthlessly turning New Zealand into their vision of the model free market state.
“A coherent and comprehensive account of the years which will define this country for a century to come.” New Zealand Herald.”

Check out the Agenda 21, Local Govt Watch and the Money pages & sub pages for further info.


Min for the Environment approves GE trials into cancer treatment – the thin end of the wedge

Here we have our minister for the environment okaying experimental trials that involve injecting cancerous tumours in humans, with GE material. The ever widening thinner end of the proverbial wedge in good ole GE free NZ. (We are NOT GE free … GE crops have been grown here, we also just failed badly with GM cow experimentation in case you missed it … and they already feed our stock with GE feed). I don’t ever recall any public announcements about these either … just like we weren’t warned about the GE corn. How many crops were contaminated unknowingly by it? We will never know of course. And in the video here in the article, our honorable minister tells us life is not without risks so trusting that risk to a human being circulating in the public arena is okay. Why can people not see through the farcical machinations of these corrupt polis? On the one hand they sell our country to the world as GE free, on the other they okay the pollution of everything by corporations and sneakily feed us unlabelled GE food. (Products containing corn and soy are at high risk of being GE).  Double speak. Like professing to want to save lives while suppressing real cures. The minister says he ‘we do not want to deny people access to life-saving treatments’ – yet see how the family of a Waikato man in 200 had to enlist legal assistance to persuade the public hospital not to pull the plug on his life support and to administer IV Vitamin C.  This man, had the family followed the hospital’s advice, would be dead today. Instead he is well and back at work. Thanks to the persistence of his loved ones. So much for the professions by our representatives to not want to deny life-saving assistance. (View the 60 Minutes coverage of Allen Smith’s story here, and read about how another NZer was cured from cancer with Vitamin C here).

The people concerned here have chosen a very strategic route into more rounds of GE experimentation … for who is going to object to saving people’s lives? If the trials perform anything like the recent cow fiasco, heaven help the folks being experimented on. A good summary of the dangers of GE can be found in Dr Jeffrey Smith’s book ‘Hard to Swallow’. Jeffrey Smith can also be found on Youtube in various interviews that expose the dangers of GE. Remember, GE crops are doused liberally with glyphosate, recently classified as a class 2A carcinogen by WHO. (See our glyphosate page).


Minister open to more GMOs

Saturday 31 Oct 2015 4:05 p.m.


Environment Minister Nick Smith says more genetically modified organisms may get approval for use in New Zealand and he has dismissed as impractical local councils’ opposition to them.

The Environmental Protection Agency this week approved the importation of the Pexa-Vec virus, which is used to combat liver cancer. It is the first GMO to get New Zealand approval as a human medicine.

Dr Smith told The Nation today the scientific advice was that there was little chance the virus would spread or survive outside a tumorous liver.

About 180 New Zealanders died from liver cancer each year, he said.

“We do not want to deny people access to life-saving treatments on the basis of knee-jerk political reactions, slogans like ‘GM-free’.”