Tag Archives: environ

EPA exposed as criminal pollution enterprise engaged in bioterrorism, food contamination and the destruction of ecosystems across North America (Doco)

They are taking human sewage, laden with literally thousands of chemicals derived from prescribed medications, PLUS waste chemical discharges, and turning it into ‘nice’ soil for your gardens people. It is spread across the US into crops that YOU eat. I was always skeptical about the bags of compost we buy here in NZ with warnings about breathing the fumes, or not touching with bare hands … and read not that long ago a long article which I will try to find again, that gave warnings about the contents of our bagged compost that has been all hushed up. As I always repeat & is illustrated in this shocking scenario (thanks to the likes of Mike Adams’ work) CORPORATIONS TELL BOLD FACED LIES. Please watch ‘The Corporation’ movie. It’s on our Corporation pages. Oh and lastly folks, this is called ‘sustainable development’ by the liars who are poisoning your food. They call it that so you won’t question what they do. Put on your thinking caps & ruminate on what is really going down here. There has been nothing sustainable happening that I can see since their sustainable blather began in the early 90s, same time as the Agenda 21 kicked in & they signed up all of our countries, now outworking in our local increasingly fascist councils. The only sustainable items to be seen are corporate bank balances. Poverty is up, unemployment up, sickness up, homelessness up, debt up, I could go on. ‘Sustainable’ is not working. Not for us anyway. Not for we the people.

Please watch Mike’s doco. It’s offered free for viewing and will not be a waste of the half hour it takes. You will be shocked.


(Natural News) The bombshell documentary has now dropped: Biosludged exposes the criminal pollution enterprise known as the “EPA,” which produced fake, fraudulent science in order to “legalize” the mass pollution of America’s soils and croplands with toxic sewage sludge.

The film, available to view for free at this link on BrighteonFilms.com, features former EPA scientist and whistleblower Dr. David Lewis, author of Science For Sale, who reveals the shocking extent of the EPA’s criminal activities and scientific fraud.

To this day, the EPA continues to operate as a criminal pollution enterprise, faking the science while America’s soils are contaminated with a toxic brew of biological organisms, heavy metals, synthetic chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This is the same EPA that has, for years, actively conspired with Monsanto and other biotech companies to look the other way as their toxic herbicides and pesticides decimate honey bee pollinator populations.

As you’ll see in the Biosludged film, the EPA has essentially become a bioterrorism organization, and this dangerous situation where a prominent department of the U.S. government has been weaponized against the environment continues under President Trump, just as it did under Obama, Bush and Clinton before.

Who will stop the EPA before the rogue agency destroys the viability of food-producing crop lands across North America?

Watch the full trailer at the link, then go to BrighteonFilms.com to view the full film and download the full movie files that you can openly share with others.



Politicians join with conservation groups in calling on the EPA to ban bee-killing pesticides until a full scientific review is conducted

(Natural News) State politicians and conservation groups urged the United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to hold off approval of bee-killing neonics in order to conduct a full scientific review of the pesticides involved, reported an EcoWatch article.

Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and Jim McGovern recently reintroduced the Saving America’s Pollinators Act, a bill that blocks new neonicotinoid insecticides while the EPA is investigating the full extent of their effects on bees, humans, other animals, and the environment.

Various conservation groups and environmental organizations have also presented a huge collection of public comments to the EPA. More than 100,000 individuals are pressing the agency to reduce the widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides.

Neonics have been cited by numerous studies as a major driving factor in the decline of pollinator populations. The insecticides also threaten birds and aquatic invertebrates, according to research by EPA-employed scientists. (Related: EPA, Monsanto face lawsuit over pesticide drift that damaged millions of acres and threatened endangered species.)

Numerous studies say neonics are deadly

The EPA is currently investigating the preliminary ecological and human health risks posed by the neonicotinoids clothianidin, thiamethoxam, and dinotefuran. It is also performing a preliminary ecological risk assessment for the widely-used imidacloprid.

According to the agency’s initial risk assessments, neonics turned out to be lethal to birds that consumed grass, seeds, and dead insects contaminated by the insecticides.

“EPA’s recent assessment confirms what the science has already shown,” remarked Nichelle Harriott of the environmental group Beyond Pesticides. “[That] neonicotinoids are highly toxic not just to bees, but to aquatic species and birds [also]. She stressed the importance of the EPA taking actions against those chemicals to protect U.S. waterways and pollinators.

“Our nation’s beekeepers continue to suffer unacceptable mortality of 40 percent annually and higher,” said Andrew Kimbrell of the Center for Food Safety.

According to him, neonicotinoid contamination of numerous water sources endanger both wild pollinators and wetland birds. Kimbrell urged the EPA to accept the findings of numerous scientific literature and take appropriate actions to reduce the negative effects of these insecticides.

Research efforts showed that even small amounts of neonics can deprive migrating songbirds of their sense of direction when they need it most. And a United States Geological Survey study determined that the pesticide level in the Great Lakes are endangering important aquatic insects.

“By harming pollinators like bees and butterflies, and natural pest control agents like birds and beneficial insects, neonicotinoids are sabotaging the very organisms on which farmers depend,” said Cynthia Palmer of the American Bird Conservancy.

Neonics have already contaminated U.S. food supplies. A joint study by the American Bird Conservancy and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health discovered neonicotinoids in food samples taken from dining halls in the U.S. Capitol building.

As many as five different neonics were found in meals that congressmen, senators, and their staff eat every day.

EPA dragging feet on neonics crisis

Neonicotinoids are banned in Europe, while the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada urges a similar ban on imidacloprid, the most widely-used neonic formula.

“The only thing that is keeping the U.S. from joining other nations in banning the use of these devastating poisons is the immense profit that fuels PR campaigns, intense lobbying efforts, and questionable studies designed to mislead us on the harm these poisons do,” accused Dr. Luke Goembel of the Central Maryland Beekeepers Association.

