Tag Archives: DEI

Some indications of push back

Some links here, given there is so much going on and it’s difficult to keep up. Ain’t that just like the string pullers? Bread and circuses, psyops and the like abounding to keep your eye off the ball. Their ball. But… yes folk are waking up & making moves in opposition to the ‘desired’ direction.

First up from The Vigilant Fox @ substack
Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

  • Growth in gas cars is now far higher than electrics, flipping a trend from 12 months ago.

• COVID vaccine uptake has plummeted. Pfizer’s stock is down 50% from 2 years ago. Moderna’s is down over 70% in the same time frame.

• Zuckerberg’s Threads has failed. There’s a lack of enthusiasm for heavily censored social media platforms.

• Decline in interest and market value for alternative meat products like Beyond Meat.

• Even DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) has hit the skids! Wisconsin just dialed back all funding and froze the programs.

Let’s be grateful for every amount of capitalism we have remaining because markets mean consumer choice. And when given the choice, we know now that consumers don’t like Klaus Schwab’s plans for our lives, no matter how much Bill Gates endorses them.


From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack:
Happy New Year to the growing RESISTANCE breaking out, in different ways, worldwide—also including Canada, France, Malaysia and Australia

Fall “vaccine” uptake an “abysmal” 7%; more US pols pledge BANS on “vaccination”; TX AG Ken Paxton SUING Pfizer; 5G under fire in NYC; Walmart, Costco, Wegmans DROP self-checkout; & more (MANY links)

Italy bans fake meat, as Rome probes former Health Minister, who hid “vax” deaths, for MURDER; German breakaway “kingdom” bans “vaccination”; Slovenia reimbursing COVID fines; & more

Other links:

BOMBSHELL NEWS: Do We Still Need Proof? Next Dose 3: Documentary. Must Watch! Electron Microscope Of Nanotechnology Antennas In C19 Vaccinated blood

There was “no pandemic” (from a real Scientist)

BREAKING: The New York Times is Suing OpenAi and MicroSoft

U.S. Constitutional Attorney – ‘Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse’

200 Servicemembers Demand Military Leadership Be Court-Martialed for Forced “Experimentation” on Troops


German farmers gain some ground but will not stop protesting until the government capitulates

Catherine Austin Fitts: 2023 was the year the people pushed back

Ohio Governor Reverses Decision and Outlaws Sexual Mutilation of Children

Consumers are rejecting The Great Reset, as evidenced by several market trends.

Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay