Tag Archives: check points

They Don’t Want Us to Travel Anywhere

From Dr Vernon Coleman via expose-news.com

There are, I fear, still some people around who don’t realise that the conspirators don’t want us travelling anywhere – for any reason.

They want to stop us travelling because the oil is running out (oh, yes it is, I’m afraid) and they want to keep as much of it as they can for their limousines, yachts, tanks and jet fighters. Oh, and for heating and lighting their mansions, too. They know darned well that solar power and wind power aren’t going to satisfy their needs.

Every day comes new signs of how they’re going to stop us travelling.

1. Airport problems are now commonplace (and reported with glee by the mainstream media which always promotes the Great Reset and is consequently keen to discourage travel) and airline travellers who aren’t accustomed to long delays probably haven’t travelled much recently. If the software for air traffic control isn’t down then the software for controlling tickets or baggage will be down. If there isn’t a strike of air crew then there will be a baggage handlers strike. And remember that in my book ‘They want your Money and your Life’ I warned that, if advice from climate change cultists and the inevitable Imperial College is followed, most airports will be closed by 2030. The few remaining large airports will remain until 2050 and then they will go.

2. Roads have become a maze of hazards. Pointless and dangerous speed bumps are now recognised as being pointless and dangerous but they are still there – wrecking cars and breaking backs. Potholes are breeding. Stupid chicanes cause traffic hold-ups and make life miserable (and actually increase the use of fuel and pollution). Crazy 20 mph speed limits increase accidents, increase fuel use and increase pollution.

3. Scientists have proved that introducing penalties for drivers who travel into town and city centres makes no difference to pollution. It is, we now know, all about raising money and stopping travel. Banning older cars from the centre of cities does a great deal of harm (especially to the poor who can’t afford sparkling new mayoral limousines) but no good to air quality.

4. Car park prices are soaring. In some towns in the UK, it now costs over £30 a day to park a car for a day’s shopping or strolling. Car park spaces are so small that many cars won’t fit into them. The rules are so bent that motorists are often fined even when they can prove that they have a valid parking ticket (that’s happened to me twice, and the complaints procedures are so lengthy and complex that motorists tend to give in and pay up). Many car parks now only accept payment with an app (there are over 30 different apps and you have to have the correct one on your smartphone, if you have a smartphone). Electric cars are now so heavy that councils claim that multi-storey car parks are no longer safe. They are knocking them down and selling them for big money (with planning permission, of course) to developers.

5. Train travel is impossible because of constant strikes. Ticket offices are being closed so the elderly, the disabled and the millions without smartphones won’t be able to go anywhere.

6. Bus services are being abandoned faster than you can say “Any more fares please?’” And travel without an app is becoming increasingly difficult.

7. Bicycles, of course, are now the only approved mode of transport. Narrow roads are turned into single-lane highways where huge areas of tarmac are marked as reserved for bicycles. Absurd rules about allowing nearly 5 feet when overtaking a cyclist mean that it is impossible for cars to go past bicycles on some smaller roads. The result is long queues of traffic – and a massive increase in the use of fuel and the resulting air pollution. Cyclists with cameras on their helmets are applauded by the police and while criminals of all kinds are ignored, motorists are constantly targeted.

8. Hotels have become unbearable. Heating is turned down to protect the environment from non-existent climate change. The hot water is tepid to protect the environment from non-existent climate change. And towels and sheets are changed irregularly to protect the environment from non-existent climate change And, that’s in five-star hotels. Hotels now often have just half the number of staff members required to look after guests.

For more about how our future will be defined by the conspirators and the collaborators read ‘They want your money and your life’ by Vernon Coleman.

Featured image: A hand scanning a smart ticket on a mobile phone at a National Rail station ticket barrier.  Source: National Rail



They’re trying to make us want “smart cities” by turning all the great old cities into sh*t-holes

Image by 남식 김 from Pixabay

NZ’s Cabinet papers warn the military will man checkpoints during any newly forecast lockdowns

Automated license plate readers on rural & city roads to find folk who avoid the law. Eighty four locations across the country that would need to be staffed, requiring 1260 soldiers & police. The new face of military law, sitting there in plain sight, awaiting the right moment to activate. As I have been saying for some time, the NZ ‘authorities’ have been getting their ducks in a row so to speak, since we returned to ‘the new normal’. Please do listen to the first video that summarizes things quite succinctly & quite accurately in my opinion. (Edit, 2 Aug 20, now removed, predictably censored… will replace shortly). The speaker refers to the ‘new normal’ and other little sayings we’re being indoctrinated with. Then hear Billy Te Kahika, leader of the new movement of Kiwis who seek a return to true democracy. Billy has been speaking out & calling out the current corporation parading as a government that is fully committed to the Agenda 2030 direction for our country. An agenda that we’ve been signed up to since 1992 and which finally somebody has had the courage to name and shame openly. The agenda for global government, sold to you as sustainable development. EWR

First video link at Bitchute:


From rnz.co.nz

Covid-19 response: PM Jacinda Ardern outlines what’s next

15 July 2020 The Prime Minister has committed to doing everything possible to avoid putting the entire country back into lockdown, describing that as a “last resort”. READ MORE

LINK: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/421237/covid-19-response-pm-jacinda-ardern-outlines-what-s-next?fbclid=IwAR193heZctzRQbzdGqtZjdUzM1ak9UnZQ9AUTXIrJb3Cpuq-W5hDS8Ag-E4

Checkpoints, soldiers, door-to-door testing: NZ’s new Covid outbreak plan

From msn.com

Prepare to go much harder and much earlier if coronavirus appears in the community. Justin Giovannetti reports from parliament where plans have been released for swift regional lockdowns and managed-isolation for domestic cases if Covid-19 ever breaks out of border facilities. 

New Zealand hasn’t detected any community transmission of the Covid-19 virus in 75 days, but that pandemic holiday could come to an end at any time, prime minister Jacinda Ardern cautioned today.


LINK: https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/checkpoints-soldiers-door-to-door-testing-nzs-new-covid-outbreak-plan/ar-BB16KF1y?ocid=sf2&fbclid=IwAR2__OTqNRX8u96J6QdX8ZA3n8qXSC8xvsLueL19YwZH644fAi253XRMtX8

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