Tag Archives: Barefoot

Grounded, a documentary on the health benefits of connecting with the earth

“Grounding, or earthing, refers to connecting electrically with the Earth. A growing body of research is finding numerous health benefits as a result of the physical body being grounded”.

I’ve just begun exploring this topic & so far have seen a few testimonies of healing and improved health, arthritis gone, back pain gone and so on. Check out this vid or if you are short of time search Youtube for shorter clips on topic. Plus I’ve added more vids below. Indigenous people have done this since forever, way ahead of the so called ‘civilized’ and as always given little to no credit. It’s mentioned in the doco that the man speaking, as a boy, recalled a Cheyenne woman telling him to take his shoes off as they ‘make you sick’. Indigenous people were & are connected to the land in more ways than most of us realize. And our so called modern lifestyle has disconnected us all from the earth in more ways than we realize affecting our health. This is definitely worth a watch.

Published on Jul 4, 2016

A Journey into the healing potential of grounding and connecting to the Earth. Testimonials from people that claim the earthing speeds healing and enhances vitality.



Why Walking Barefoot Might Be an Essential Element of Good Health

From Dr Mercola

“When’s the last time you kicked off your shoes and reveled in the feeling of the Earth under your feet?

Been awhile?

It may sound hard to believe, but engaging in this simple pleasure could give your health a much-needed boost.

Often it is the case that engaging in activities that feel good on an intrinsic level really are good for your health — like the feeling of the afternoon sun warming your bare skin.

Walking barefoot outside, with the soles of your feet free to mesh with the surface of the Earth – an activity known as Earthing, or grounding — is another such case…”

Read More: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/09/20/barefoot-on-electron-deficiency.aspx