Tag Archives: ATMs

The cashless economy – an ‘unintended’ cost of avoiding contact?

Bank branches and ATMs set to close across Australia as the pandemic shifts Aussies into the ‘cashless economy’. Unintended? Not in my opinion. If you’ve had your finger on the Agenda 21/30 pulse you’ll know that’s always been the end game. That dear Kiwi man Barry Smith told those who would listen in the 1970s that was the end game. Digital transactions make you 100% track and traceable. It will still suck in the trusting however. Note they refer to the many thousands of elderly from rural areas who will prefer cash … as with previous rural bank closures it will be stiff cheese for them. Those in control make ‘caring’ noises but they are anything but. Remember the recent scenarios where the elderly died alone in elderly facilities? In some countries they were simply abandoned. This no cash scenario is their not so subtle way of getting you out of rural areas folks, but they make it look like it’s your choice. You wanted it. However smart cities is the favored destination under Agenda 2030. Pack and stack living and (having gifted your state housing to property developers) locked into the (not so) smart grid. It’s all moving along according to plan. EWR

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay