Tag Archives: 15 minute cities

Obama Admin Planned To ‘Force’ Americans To Move Into Mega regions (the global ‘plan’ now emerging)

What we are now seeing emerge … the smart, and 5, 10 or 15 minute cities. And globally not just the US of course, it being a global plan for those unelected parasites who think they have a right to rule over us… EWNZ

From Watchman’s Duty @ Rumble



About Smart Growth

Development decisions affect many aspects of people’s everyday lives – their homes, their health, the schools their children attend, the taxes they pay, their daily commute, the natural environmental around them, and economic opportunity in their community. Smart Growth is an overall approach of development and conservation strategies that help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, socially diverse, and resilient to climate change.

Market Common in Arlington, Virginia is a walkable, mixed-use development with access to public transit.

Based on the experience of communities around the nation that have used smart growth approaches to create and maintain great neighborhoods, the Smart Growth Network developed a set of ten (10) basic principles to guide smart growth strategies:

Mix land uses.
Take advantage of compact building design.
Create a range of housing opportunities and choices.
Create walkable neighborhoods.

Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place.
Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas.
Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities.
Provide a variety of transportation choices.

Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective.
Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.


Transportation Energy Futures Project |


Regionalism: Definition and Examples – ThoughtCo


America 2050 – Detailed Plans
All SMART CITIES & 11 Planned Mega-Regions

The Wildlands Project – “Manhattanizing America”
All Of The Circles On The Map Represent Planned “Smart Cities” AKA Digital Prisons.

The Colored Area Represent Inter-locked Mega-Regions Designated For “Human” Habitats.

Everything Else You See On The Map Is To Be Given To Nature And Humans Removed.

“Leave Room For Nature” “Leave Room For Nature”
Full Resolution Map

‘The Agenda 21 Depopulation of Rural Areas – Will Give Stalin-Like Control Over Food In America

Agenda 21 Population Control Map for USA


America 2050: The Agenda 21 Depopulation of Rural Areas

Most of America’s rural areas are doomed to decline


The plan is called America 2050 and the concept is based upon the creation of megacities.

America 2050 : an infrastructure vision for 21st century America

In order for the megacities concept, which is well underway, to come to fruition, American suburbs and rural areas must be completely depopulated.

the 11 mega-regions are already in place southern ca long beach california,
los vegas, austin tx.

Beyond Traffic 2045

THE LONG-TERM STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES 2 THE LONG-TERM STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES create high-quality jobs, improve public health in every community, and spur investments

This will come as a shock to many reading this because they did not learn of these events from FOX or CNN.

However, in actuality, the process of moving the United States towards a complete Agenda 21 style of total urbanization has already commenced and it began nearly 20 years ago.


The beginning stages of the digital prison

From Max Igan at The Crowhouse

In the UK, scan a QR code to enter the supermarket.
In China, scan same to start your car. Also there, skip the QR, it’s facial recognition to go shopping at the supermarket.
And what does the QR code tell them about yourself? Canada’s … holds your religion, marital status, allergies, gender ID, smoker, sex, a firearms owner? restricted FA owner? credit score, number of accounts, salary this year, last year, how much do you owe? A social credit system on steroids basically.

There is much more on this video … 15 minute cities are included (a must watch at the previous link). Well worth the watch. Remember NZ cities are all signed up to the (not) Smart agenda which includes the looming lockdowns … denied of course by those rolling it out.

From TheCrowhouse

Info & links at the link below


Currently on the table again, Hamilton NZ proposed 20 minute cities back in 2020

The internet is abuzz with the so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ of 15 minute cities in NZ.

Long sold out lamestream media is pumping that line again or should I say ‘still’. As I noted recently, the headline, ‘Censorship is the last bastion of those without an arguement’ … one could easily substitute ‘propaganda’ there for ‘censorship’. Both familiar words now aren’t they?

Turns out Hamilton DC was touting 20 minute cities back in 2020… interesting timing. Right when folk were locked down (for two weeks+) to flatten the curve. They looked at it back then, assisted by Waikato University (their 2021 report and video at the link). The video is all the way from the UK, host for the Oxford 15 minute city there that folk are pushing back against (check out the videos in that link, looks more like a military check point there than an eco friendly paradise… they detain a woman trying to drive to work). See here also.

Hamilton Council hosted a meeting on topic this week apparently and a large crowd turned up. Was that because it’s such a great idea or because they smell a rat? The Twitter comment from DemocracyNZ notes concern about lack of consultation (nothing new note for District Councils NZ wide):

Then there is the proposed Sunfield suburb in Auckland. (Be sure to watch the videos there). It does look so very benign, solar powered, an electric shuttle and all those lovely gardens (that they’ve been pushing on small towns anyway for years. Witness Foxton and the big 1.5 mill spend there when folk said they weren’t consulted & they only wanted clean water). Gardens are nice but all those dollars for developers and Councils now knee deep in debt? How sustainable is that? It really doesn’t all add up does it?

As Stuff asks (debunking ‘conspiracies’): Convenient street planning or open-air police state … on the surface 15 minute cities could be really great, however I don’t like the look of those checkpoints to be honest.


PREPARE for the Indefinite Climate Lockdown Coming!

15-minute cities in New Zealand: A visualisation

A 15 mins city (Manatu Hauora)

‘Consultation’ & the little known Delphi technique – promoting the illusion of democracy & helping you think you’ve had a say