The corporate crime of the century!

We’ve been poisoned for a very long time …

Environmental Health Watch NZ

51Ue+bjxMJL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_A couple of years ago I came across a book in a garage sale called ‘Circle of Poison’.  Published in 1981 it documents a trail of intriguing scandal regarding the export of banned pesticides from industrial countries to the third world. Products banned in the US saw the sellers simply exporting the separate ingredients to be assembled offshore for sale to unsuspecting customers oblivious to the products’ banned status. Many of these products were then duly sprayed on produce that would be returned to the country of the original banning. ‘Banning problem solved’ as it were.  One of the authors David Weir describes how he came upon this scheme.  Following a ban in the US of cyclamates, he discovered the ingredient in a packet of Kool-Aid he purchased whilst in Afghanistan. This began his trail of inquiries back in the 1970s  which eventually led to an article in the US…

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