
We haven’t seen a quarter of known bee species since the 1990s

(A sad reflection of the state of our world… seriously trashed EWR)


Bees feed us. Many of the 20,000 species pollinate 85 percent of food crops and fruits around the world—everything from garlic and grapefruits to coffee and kale.

But, it seems, these crucial insects aren’t doing very well. A study published today in the journal One Earth reveals that in recent decades, the number of bee species reported in the wild has declined globally. The sharpest decrease occurred between 2006 and 2015, with roughly 25 percent fewer species spotted—even as sightings by citizen scientists were increasing rapidly.

Halictid bees—also called sweat bees for their attraction to our perspiration—pollinate important crops such as alfalfa, sunflowers, and cherries. Observations of these tiny metallic fliers have fallen by 17 percent since the 1990s, the study found. Bees in the rare Melittidae family, which provide us with blueberries, cranberries, and orchids, have plummeted by as much as 41 percent. (The world’s bees are divided among seven families.)

Though lesser known, such wild bees supplement the work of honeybees in managed hives.


Image by Terri Sharp from Pixabay

2 thoughts on “We haven’t seen a quarter of known bee species since the 1990s”

  1. Can’t remember where I read about that insects tend to stay away from microwave radiation sourses (mobile phone networks, WiFi, Bluetooth etc.) and I agree. We have a lot of that nowadays, mostly due to cell towers located everywhere. 5G is worst, just followed by 4G/LTE (3.9G).

    In the nereby forest, there are no flies, gnats and mosquitoes at the trail I walk almost on daily basis, where the cell towers are in close aproximity. Elsewhere, yes. Nice? Yes and no … Officially, there are no 5G towers where I live, but considering that previous and present year, there has been a number of 5G antennas installed around the world unnoticed and in a hurry … I would like to see a matched map, with 5G locations and dito C19 outbreaks. Just a “small” hunch, that I can’t let go …

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    1. Someone recently sent me the map of nz for vodafone and on it you can click on whatever level you want, the 5g was very revealing at its coverage. Search for the maps of the various telcos in your area. There’s also a world map with the towers, it’s on my main menu. You have to sign up bit its free. Definitely from my time researching the emfs yes the insects die near them. Any of the cell towers are dangerous to them. And yes they were rolled out in a hurry during lockdown here (5g). We are not ‘allowed’ to connect them with you know what. Recent post of mine on that topic that went straight to twitter got me blocked from there. hmmm. We only need figure what they block is bound to be truth. Re that connection here’s the article and it goes into what you raise about connections between the two

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