The Fascist New World Order: who is behind it?


The German Philosopher Johann Von Goethe, once said, there are none more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free.

But few who hear the words realize that they are the ones to whom Goethe was referring for the reality is that every person in the civilized world is enslaved from childhood. They are enslaved in a prison without walls or bars and so few ever even realize it but all are enslaved none the less. And what the people of the world are enslaved to, is a system of perpetual self generating debt that is created for them wholly by design by private international banking interests, and the people are taught from an early age to just accept this debt, because this is ‘just the way things are’ but the real reality is that it is not just the way things are, but more the way things have been designed and all one has to do is glance around them at the state of the world today to realise that though this is the way things current are, it is most definitely not the way things should be.

The most powerful and useful tool a person can ever gain in their life is knowledge for with knowledge comes wisdom and a deeper understanding and real truth can be exhilarating because real truth will set you free.

Now whether you believe in the Illuminati or not, whether you will take the time to listen to so called conspiracy theories or not, there are some things that should be clearly understood by all and these are not conspiracy theories by any stretch of the imagination, they are well documented, quite traceable and very provable facts and these facts are as follows.


To Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance (SEE LINKS AT THE WEBSITE)

2 thoughts on “The Fascist New World Order: who is behind it?”

    1. Yes think we’ve had this convo before. It’s around the definition of the F word if I recall. It certainly IMO anyway appears to have taken on the implication of illegal force by govt on its people.

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