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The COVID experimental injection is not mandatory in NZ … (calling out NZ mainstream media’s misleading headlines)

First and foremost I respect and encourage informed choice regarding any medical intervention. However, I am noticing sprinkled amongst our headlines, words that imply that it’s given that we all consent to the experimental COVID injection. To balance the record it needs to be stated that there is a choice. Many of us do not want to take it. I might add, those of us who do not, are not “anti-vaxxers” or “conspiracy theorists”. In fact we are joined in our preference by thousands of MDs and other concerned citizens world wide. Please respect our wishes.

Here is the current headline from below. It implies and assumes all Kiwis will get the said injection:

All Aotearoa to get Covid vaccine from July

Citing Bloomfield they say: “As we move through the rollout of the vaccination programme, we want people to be as informed as soon as possible about when they can expect to be vaccinated. This tool is designed to make that as easy as possible,” Dr Bloomfield says.” End Quote

In my opinion this should read: “As we move through the rollout of the vaccination programme, we want people to be as informed as soon as possible about the known potential side effects and any unknown risks, and when the vaccine will be available should they wish to take it. This tool is designed to make that as easy as possible,” …”

To our readers who wish to educate themselves please consider the following articles:

FYI: Possible side effects of the COVID injection

Examining the Risks and Benefits of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines (Dr R.M. Fleming)

Listen to all these MDs who affirm the need for informed consent around taking an untested vaccine

For those still deciding about the new non-mandatory CV vaccine … here is a list of factors to consider

If your boss asks you to get vaccinated – from NZ lawyer Sue Grey

Some pertinent feedback for you from people who have taken the COVID vaccine for which clinical trials don’t finish note, until 2023

For more information about side effects experienced by others to date, go to ‘categories’, top left of news page, and select the covid-19 deaths and covid-19 injuries from the drop down list.

For current CDC stats see the notice on the right hand side of the news page. See here for current stats.

Image by USA-Reiseblogger from Pixabay

3 thoughts on “The COVID experimental injection is not mandatory in NZ … (calling out NZ mainstream media’s misleading headlines)”

  1. I take issue with all MDs who will not come out against all the toxic ingredients in all the shots our children are subjected to. I sent you a list or posted one, I think…

    One will come out against this ingredient or one will come out against that ingredient, but you don’t hear any of them railing against our babies being injected with antifreeze, aluminum, mercury, nail polish remover and so much more.

    I practically slept with the list for about 2 years before the horror finally set in. None of these MDs are saying what needs to be said about ALL these shots out there.

    Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary

    Click to access 2013excipient-table2.pdf

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the list Joyce. I agree too. Seems they ‘know’ what they are up against & just keep quiet. I was astonished to learn our small town Doctor way back in the 70s didn’t vax his kids. Seems some just silently don’t comply for themselves but are willing to inject everybody else’s kids. Wish I’d known.


      1. Yea. Everybody wants to jump on a bandwagon to gather a few moments of fame doing so, while the rest of us listen to them, cheer them on, and end up the same.

        I dare them all to call all the shots what they are:

        Toxic shots lined with viral material to legitimize them as vaccines.

        Is there a show of hands?

        Liked by 1 person

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