“NZ Has One of The World’s Most Corrupt Judiciaries” – from a Barrister

From http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com http://www.TheVinnyEastwoodShow.com/14/post/2017/05/nz-has-the-worlds-most-corrupt-judiciary-tatsuhiko-koyama.html#ixzz4j5E2RGyF

Tatsuhiko Koyama www.facebook.com/Tatsuhiko.koyama.3
“Court fraud is a lot more common than you might think, and it is a terrifying prospect that you can be bankrupted without even seeing a day in court or even having a judges signature.
New Zealand’s judiciary is one of if not the most corrupt legal system in the developed world, it is essentially an organised crime protection racket.”

[Visit the link to hear the audio and/or watch the video of the interview]

Header Photo Credit: NZ Supreme Court Wikipedia

11 thoughts on ““NZ Has One of The World’s Most Corrupt Judiciaries” – from a Barrister”

  1. For the sake of balance: I forwarded this to our two lawyers, one of them a QC, and both disagree with Mr Koyama. One says: “I do not know Mr Koyama personally, but understand that he was once a lawyer, was engaged in a long running feud with the Law Society that, I think, made it as far as the Supreme Court and he was subsequently bankrupted. Unless he has been discharged from his bankruptcy, he will not currently be a barrister.
    “While I do not doubt their sincerity, I doubt if his views could be described as objective. Neither would they be reflective of the views held by barristers generally of the judiciary.
    “Most international studies rank New Zealand judges very highly on the issue of
    corruption, usually in the top handful of the near 200 countries surveyed. That
    is consistent with my experience of them.”

    While NZ judges are known for having made some bad decisions — cronyism is certainly a problem, and systemic reforms are definitely needed — that doesn’t necessarily make them corrupt.


    1. Thanks for your comment WW. Did you / they listen to the interview? Without doing so I think with all due respect neither yourself nor the lawyers you mention are in a position to criticize this man. The interview is quite long & he goes into great detail about his experience. The banks & Police are also complicit. Consider the recent prosecution of a Levin man for trespassing on his own land. See the LG pages and Kaipara, banks took money from a man’s bank account. See also Rodney & the experience of the man there who exposed corruption. These men, including Mr Koyama are on FB to dialogue with.
      I’m aware most folks won’t swallow this and would prefer to think we’re all squeaky clean just as we are with our ‘clean green environment’ and our trusted LG. Likewise, few if any within the legal system are going to listen to this man or even begin to contemplate that the system they work within may actually be corrupt.


  2. Judges certainly get paid enough on the theory that a judge is less likely to succumb to bribery or corruption when they earn a large amount through their salary. You can see what they get here http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2017/0041/latest/DLM7125813.html#DLM7125813

    I’m sure that the examples given by Mr Koyama are true though, and even if corruption is low compared with some countries, that doesn’t mean it’s not present.


  3. People in NZ can be bankrupted without appearing in court. I know people personally who have been made so. I am also bankrupt. I did appear in the court, but Judge Osborne would not allow me to present my case law in the first court hearing. In NZ there is no defence to a bankruptcy, except that the debt is paid in full. Or the creditor has agreed to a repayment arrangement. The debtor must bring proof of course. At my actual adjudication hearing Carlile Dowling who were the solicitors for both BNZ and their debt collections, in a Minute to Judge Matthews deemed my defence to be an abuse of the legal process. The debt that I was bankrupted on was $6,200 BNZ’s debt collector falsified the evidence in order to obtain a disputes tribunal judgment against me. Yes I did owe the debt to the bank. And the bank used three solicitors to try and force me into a contract with their debt collector. That debt has now been turned into more than $14,000 The fraud Mr Koyama speaks about is only the tip of the iceberg. Because of our publication laws, even though Mr Koyama’s bankruptcy has been annulled, his bankruptcy, just like mine, will be made public for life. I’m pleased he spoke out about his ordeal, even though right from the beginning he never had a chance.


    1. Thanks for sharing Barney. That’s awful. I do want to devote more time eventually to this issue & look more at Mr Koyama’s data. He shares a lot of it but I’ve not had the time to thoroughly read it. Sounds like one’s worst nightmare. I feel for you. Again, thanks for sharing. If you’d like to write it up to some semblance of order I’d be happy to do a post on it.


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