Tag Archives: world order

The Inconvenient Lie – Agenda 21/30

Thanks to Pete Vanderwaal for this link. Debbie Bacigalupi speaks on Agenda 21, published in 2017. As I often highlight, the sustainable lie. Their actions don’t match what they expound. Debbie speaks on dissolving national boundaries, the wild lands, Earth Summits, population control, abolition of private property, smart cities and more. The hypocrisy of those espousing Agenda 21 … they hold huge conferences at the tax payers’ expense, fly there in jets, live high while they are there and pretend to be green. Debbie used to organize their conferences and saw the double speak. An imminent conference she speaks of will cost up to $25K per attendee … obviously only for the wealthy. How sustainable is that? Perhaps their way of excluding the plebs. Definitely a must watch if you were thinking Agenda 21 now 2030 is mere conspiracy. It is fact.

Published on Sep 11, 2017

Why you may want to cross socialist NZ off your vacation list

Fabianwolflamb (1)“New Zealand has become the first country to fine passengers who refuse to hand over their phone passwords at the border.”

The ‘new world order’, aka ‘world order’ according to the latest ‘now you see it now you don’t’ fiasco from stuff, are said to be Fabian Socialists.


The Fabian Socialists’ original logo, designed by George Bernard Shaw, a wolf in sheep’s clothing or a sheep skin to be more precise, says it all people. Research the Fabian Socialists, known as the Fabian Society. There’s more to them than meets the eye. To learn more read at the logo link above and also go to NZer Dr Naomi Jacobs’ ebook (download here). Dr Jacobs said:

“I decided to write the book following my initial shock in reading the New Zealand Herald, November 3, 2012, article, ‘Kaipara rates rebellion grows,’ about the huge, extortionate property rates/tax increases being imposed by Kaipara District Council on ratepayers in New Zealand.

After an extensive study of Marxism/Socialism/Communism over many years – upon reading the article, it immediately became plain to me that what was happening to Kaipara citizens and ratepayers was not only unique to New Zealand – but was part of a global plot now taking place in all countries planned many years ago by the British Fabian Society.

Basically, I believe, Kaipara District Council is being insidiously used as a “test case …”

Read More:  January 2013 Letter Naomi Jacobs (pdf)

These folk (the Fabian crew) bring changes in tiny increments so you won’t hopefully notice. Fortunately some folk are noticing. This increased surveillance & inroad into your privacy are justified by so called threats to national security. All a manufactured threat brought about of course by the inside job nine eleven. If you don’t believe me please figure out how tower 7 fell when it was not hit by a plane, just one of the many conundrums evident when looking at this event. (Watch the doco Loose Change on all of that).

The article below describes the latest inroad into your slowly vanishing freedoms Kiwis. Thanks to Peter at thecontrail.com for this link.

From armstrongeconomics.com

Ever since the Socialists took over New Zealand, it demonstrates how they presume everyone is guilty and they might be hiding money that they can confiscate all because rich bastards are not entitled to what they earn – it belongs to them always. If you refuse, the fine is $5,000.

New Zealand has become the first country to fine passengers who refuse to hand over their phone passwords at the border. Obviously, forget New Zealand. The New Zealand Customs and Excise Act 2018, which went into effect this week, allows customs officials to demand passwords, PINs and encryption keys to unlock devices for “digital strip searches” of anyone traveling to New Zealand.

Unfortunately, some other countries are watching closely. They will let you in if you pay the $5,000 fine and you cannot refuse and get on the next plane without paying the $5,000 fine. This is what lies in store when socialists grab control. Freedom of the individual NO LONGER exists!!!! The state comes before God, family, or human rights.

When you travel, you should get a burner phone. You cannot have anything private on your person. Welcome to 1984 – it was just a little late! Obviously, cross New Zealand off the list for vacations.




Air travel ‘without your passport leaving your pocket’
So the industry is hoping technology can streamline the process, with increasing use of biometrics such as facial recognition – and not just at passport control.

New Zealand tells travellers to hand over passwords or pay the price

Socialist Councils, Debt Bondage & Serfdom by Dr Naomi Jacobs