Tag Archives: RFS

NSW’s premier only recently slashed fire services funding by $40 MILLION & told 1000s of citizens not to expect RFS help

EWR (EnviroWatchRangitikei) An article here from Higgins Storm Chasers on FB (as posted by them in comments recently). It is summarizing the events in Australia of late. (If you are not up to speed on this, follow all the links in the recent article on the Australian fires at this link).  When compiling all the various evidence that mainstream will never point out to you some things begin to make sense. For starters the fact of very recent cuts to fire services in NSW. Why all of a sudden, in a country that is known for fires? And only a month ago. Forty million is a lot of money. Also …

Thousands of residents were told NOT to expect help from the RFS and were left to fend for themselves.

Now that is sounding like recent events in NZ with the White Island eruption. It transpired that the authorities had (supposedly) done their sums & figured it would not be cost effective (?) to rescue the people. So forthwith they decided NOT to go and of course did not embarrass themselves by telling the people that. They were later crowing however about their later attempts,  whilst failing to mention that first responders were in fact NZ CITIZENS (who supposedly hadn’t done their sums) … Kiwis are like that). On that note, just days before this disaster, NZ Civil Defense had morphed into NEMA. Interesting changes are taking place as events unfold.

For further info on UN Agenda 2030 (formerly known by its earlier version Agenda 21 … visit our Agenda 21/30 page & sub pages particularly also, NZ. (Two years ago a former NZ detective told me that our fire services are now under the UN. Remember during the Port Hills fires in NZ the firemen were frustrated because they’d been held back from responding?) In Australia Anne Bressington exposed / blew the whistle on Agenda 21 whilst a politician there. Read also Rosa Koire’s ‘Behind the Green Mask‘. You could also search Agenda 21 and 21/30 in ‘categories’ to the left of the page. All articles on topic will come up there. This agenda is now in plain sight if you care to look & join some dots. We have been exposing it for years & been called conspiratorial however now that the SHTF so to speak, it is harder to consign this to the conspiracy basket. Quietly under the radar, folk have been losing their farms & homes whilst meantime it is harder to own a house & is becoming hard even to be able to afford to rent. This is the plan. We are to be driven into the smart cities this article below talks about. Little by little your options are being withdrawn. All ‘for your own good’ of course … it’s called ‘sustainable development’. The biggest lie ever told. Look around you and see if in the three decades since this plan was drawn up, there is anything that has been managed sustainably. We cannot swim in our waters any more. Too polluted. NZ has 43K+ homeless & suicide & poverty are unprecedented. A broken down & homeless population is easy to control. They are swiftly putting paid to off grid in Australia with fire, and in NZ 1080 is taking care of that. Welcome to your pack & stack, closely surveilled smart city accommodation. EWR

From Higgins Storm Chasers Facebook page:

“People think this past week has just been about bush fires, but its been about so much more.

These bush fires are destined to be used as a catalyst to change the face of Australia!

First of all, its very suspicious that so many fires broke out at the same time, stretching fire services to the limit to try to contain them. There were over 80 fires burning at one stage.

Secondly, scarcely a month ago, Premier of NSW, Gladys Berejiklian, made a $40 MILLION CUT to funding for fire services in NSW which ensured that when the fires broke out there wouldn’t be the resources to deal with them adequately.

Thousands of residents were told NOT to expect help from the RFS and were left to fend for themselves.

And finally, because of the sheer ferocity and devastation, we are now being told that we must rethink how we live, with a push to get people off the land.

Enter the CLARA company (Consolidated Land and Rail Australia) which made a proposal to Govt in 2017 for a high speed rail train line from Melbourne to Brisbane, including at least 3 SMART cities to be built along with it. Interestingly, many of the fires along the east coast correspond to the proposed route for the high speed rail line AND part of the CLARA proposal includes setting aside land for this development which cannot be used for anything else. This means that out of the misery and loss of these fires, the Govt and the Clara company already know (in my opinion) that the land is actually being cleared (by fire) to make way for the rail line.

For those who don’t know, one of the basic aims of AGENDA 21 AND AGENDA 2030 is to remove people from the land and herd them into ‘smart’ cities, connected by high speed rail.

No doubt those who have lost property to fires along the proposed rail route, will NOT be allowed to rebuild on their own land, but will be encouraged instead, to rebuild within the areas designated for the new smart cities.

The fire phenomenon we are now witnessing will also be used to promote the CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX and could result in a raft of new laws to restrict people’s use of the land, as well as the introduction of CARBON TAXES on almost every human activity in the pretence of saving the environment. All it will really do is make the rich, richer and send ordinary Australians deeper into poverty.

Are you awake yet, Australia?