Tag Archives: Queensland

The burning of Australia: steering the world’s population towards global governance

Listen to Australian Max Igan describe information about the fires you won’t be reading about in mainstream media. For those who are awake & aware of the lies & propaganda we are being fed on a daily basis now, this will all come as no surprise. And at the same time we have a mainstream article informing us we will (of course) have to re think the way we live (aka out of the wild places, into the smart cities).  The controllers of this narrative have of course pulled insurance to make this happen. Into the surveilled smart cities where you are watched & you also fry under the newly ramped up sea of 5G frequencies about to be unleashed in NZ also, that they continue to tell us is harmless even though it’s not been tested for human and environmental safety. Literally microwave weaponry. Pack and stack is going to be a hard sell in NZ still they’re at it already with pack and stack accommodation planned for various places. And having ground down the people into poverty & hopelessness well that makes it not so hard. Cheap inner city housing. Anything better than languishing in cars, sheds and garages isn’t it? This has been well planned. See the Agenda 21/2030 pages at the main menu for more info on that. Also on point, see the recent video from Canterbury SkyWatch on the aluminum in the fires from the aircraft & geoengineering. As Max says, why are they not seeding the clouds (well known technology used world wide) to put the fires out?


Bushfires force rethink about how we live

From 7news.com.au

Lives will change as bushfire seasons become longer and more fierce, a health expert has warned.

Australians are being told to rethink everything from health to housing as more than 130 blazes rage across drought-parched Queensland and NSW, claiming lives and homes.

It means people will need to change the way they live as the never-before-seen bushfires become commonplace, Queensland University of Technology environmental health Professor Hilary Bambrick says.

“In Australia, we’ve got this idea that we just rebuild after a catastrophe, and just put the same thing back there again,” she told AAP on Thursday.
