Tag Archives: privacy violation

Petition for the instant removal of the CEO and deputy mayor of HDC

Horowhenua has hit the news recently with monitoring & blacklisting of emails by the CE of the District Council. This is a sign of the ever growing corruption within district councils NZ wide. It has to be confronted & stopped. This is the stuff of totalitarian states, not tiny rural NZ. Our council like many is already in $70 odd million debt. This is not the scene of yester year our parents & grandparents built. Let’s clean out the rot!

Sign this and share if you agree CE Clapperton & DM Bishop should go. We need transparency & honesty in council … this crossing of the ethical lines of snooping into emails by the unintended recipient is simply NOT acceptable in my opinion. Please consider and sign!




“Can we have safety and democracy if a CEO is to have more authority than the elected local Mayor. please support by voting to remove CEO and Deputy mayor. Both of whom have publicly supported the method of supreme censorship and authority over members of the press, councillors, the mayor and members of the public. It is vital to show just how many people regard freedom to speak and the role it has played in the freedom and safety of all and the importance it has to transparent government and safe communities, free from oppression and corruption even here in NZ.

Horowhenua has its fair share of vulnerable families.  A safe, fair community is paramount to support them moving forward.

I do not condone the abuse of council staff, councillors or the public but this spin by CEO and Bishop does not meet the threshold to establish blocking free communication as acceptable. The true narrative is clear that the safety of staff and all individuals is threatened by absolute authority.  democracy and common law must prevail.”


(If the link becomes broken go to Change.org and find the petition there)