Tag Archives: overcrowding


QUOTE: “You know, the fact of the matter is people have too much space in their houses … if we could just share our space with other family members we would reduce our housing needs right there…” 

This I find hypocritical, ironic as well, in light of a common question asked by landlords ‘how many of you will be living here?’ followed by the predictable statement … ‘you can’t bring all your family here to live’, the stereotype being that indigenous people like living together in over crowded conditions. Further on in this video they cite Asian families doing so & suddenly now it’s a great thing because it suits the liars’ agenda. Initially it was better for consumerism that we are all separate in separate households racking up purchases & inevitably debt these days because we have abandoned the old ways … and now the Agenda 21/30 agenda is for us to occupy cramped stack & pack housing in their smart cities and it’s all okay. Don’t be fooled folks, they really are not for you. They are for their own ends only. Sustainable Development aka Agenda 21 is a scam being foisted upon you by stealth. Remember the bedroom tax in the UK? They’ve hinted at it here as well with the last census asking for an indication of the number of rooms in our houses. Similarly with the remaining State Housing stock (the state asset that the corrupt corporates have flogged off for pennies on the dollar to developers, some 22% of it by the last government) … so when a person’s partner dies or a parent of children living in a state home, they swoop in with eviction notices because of ‘wasted’ space, and demand they move into smaller accommodation. At that previous link 5 grieving children are evicted prior to their mother’s taangi being arranged! And locals said this kind of occurrence was not uncommon.  Now if you think I’m being conspiratorial just watch & see how it pans out. A reader contacted me some time ago with an OIA response from the Christchurch District Council stating that they aren’t following an Agenda 21 agenda and that this is actually called Sustainable Development. I note however that Kaikoura District Council does (scroll to ‘Earthcheck’). Agenda 21 is named on their website.

At least listen & hear from the horse’s mouth here in the video what they have planned for you. Remember this is global not just California. EWNZ


Published on May 6, 2015

Please make this video viral. This is the how and the why of all the Agenda 21 we see in Southern California.

If you are new to Agenda 21 now known as Agenda 2030 (the updated version) search for other articles at ‘categories’, at the left of any page. Further you can visit the Agenda 21/30 pages at the main menu, top of the page. There is a NZ sub page & an Agenda 21/30 video page. The Agenda 21 topic  has had people watching and speaking out since the ’90s when it all began with the Summit at Rio De Janeiro. It is basically the action plan for global governance aka one world government aka new world order,  hiding under a nice palatable green mask so you won’t gag at the prospect (on that note do watch Rosa Koire’s videos on YT, also on our pages). It is being slipped into countries via their councils that signed on at the initial Summit (yes NZ did, and you probably never heard about it… called ICLEI councils). Another who has cottoned on to this plan by stealth is ex Aussie Politician Anne Bressington. You can listen to her at this link. Another is Joan Veon, a very early forerunner who was close to the UN in the course of her work during the ’90s so she was right at the coal face joining dots. Her very interesting video called Public Private Partnerships is a real eye opener and describes how private corporations are acquiring your public assets right under your noses. All over NZ local Councils are doing this behind closed doors (aka public excluded meetings) … scooping up your council lands and buildings, frequently their social housing,  telling us they are ‘surplus to requirements’. Frequently sold for a song to council insiders, with whistle blowers on that ignored & not reported on by mainstream media. Educate yourself while the info is still available, remembering the digital book burning that is going on. EWR

Below is an excerpt from the video: