Tag Archives: non essential travel

NZ plans police checkpoints lest you intended skiving off to your family bach this weekend

Getting Orwellian isn’t it? The entire planet virtually is under ‘friendly’ control/surveillance/lockdown. Remember, this is protecting your health. Same as the coming vaccine will be & as the latest lamestream murmurings have it, they are planning to visit your home to see if anybody is infected. WHO that is. You’ll be removed & isolated. EWR

From stuff.co.nz

Police will be operating checkpoints over the Easter weekend to check people are abiding by the lockdown regulations.

Anyone attempting to travel to their bach or holiday home or to make non-essential visits to people outside their bubble will be educated, warned and when necessary arrested, police say.

Police will be ramping up their presence in the community and on the roads this long weekend to ensure people are complying with the Covid-19 Alert Level 4 restrictions.

“We know many New Zealanders may have been planning to catch up with friends and family this weekend, or travel to traditional holiday destinations but we urge anyone who was planning to do this – please change your plans and stay home,” police said in a statement.



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