Tag Archives: National Government

Murder At Pike River Mine – Cover Up: Government Sets Goal Of Manned Entry Into Pike River By 2019

Note: Murder at Pike River Mine by Dr Jacob Cohen can be found here

November 29 2017 | From  Uncensored via Wakeupkiwi 

Let me be quite frank. After the corrupt media has censored Dr Jacob Cohen’s amazing book from the NZ public, and the even more corrupt National Party led by PM John Key has spent tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars covering up the deliberate murder of the 29 miners at Pike River.

Related: Pike River: New Footage Shows No Sign Of Fire

Now, after 7 years of lies and endless coverup, we now have an even more spurious gang of low-life liars in the form of this new Labour Party – NZ First Party Coalition, Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little – now in the process of committing another $23 million to set up a “PIKE RIVER RECOVERY AGENCY” [supposedly] towards achieving the goal for a manned re-entry to inspect the crime scene in the mine (to fulfil a key part of the Labour-NZ First Coalition Agreement) to make a decision by MARCH 2019!



Maggie Barry’s questionable facts on pest eradication

Metiria Turei challenged the National Government’s woeful funding of the Department of Conservation and claimed that since 2008 there had been a cut in real terms of $422 million dollars. This concern was expressed in the context of Environment Commissioner Jan Wright’s recent report that stated that 80% of New Zealand’s native bird species were in bad shape and 35% were in serious trouble (close to extinction). Some populations are so small that grandparents are forced to mate with grandchildren and inbreeding within many populations is a major concern.

True to form, Maggie Barry resorted to a personal attack:

“I guess because the member has never been anywhere near Government she doesn’t understand very much about the budget process. The increase in spending in DoC is at $107 million dollars this year, it has been a 20% increase since 2008. The member’s wilful misrepresentation of the figures is pretty pathetic, even by that member’s standards.”

While it must be acknowledged that the Government is embarking on a limited pest eradication programme, this should be regarded in the context of cuts and severe underfunding over previous years. It is the Minister of Conservation who is misrepresenting the facts as Kevin Hague found out in 2016 through Parliamentary Library research.

The following can easily be found through simple Google searches:

  • 2009, DoC had to cut its budget by $54 million, or $13.5 million over four years. This meant almost 200,000 hectares of planned pest eradication did not go ahead.
  • 2011, one hundred jobs were cut from the department to keep within the restricted budget.
  • 2012-13, a further $11.5 million was cut from the the department’s funding, over and above the previous cuts.
  • 2013, there were 140 more job losses (330 since 2009, around 15% of the workforce).
  • 2016, an associate professor in the school of accounting and commercial law at Victoria University noted that the Vote Conservation for the 16/17 year was $41.8 million less than the previous year.
  • 2017, $21 million over 4 years for pest eradication and $76 million to spend on tourist infrastructure.



Pre election lollipop time – interest free URBAN housing loans courtesy of the Nats & Agenda 2030


So our corporation that parades as a government is handing out election lollipops… predictably, as we steam undeterred towards that ‘choose a different rider for the same (trojan) horse’ time again, and I’ll explain the ‘trojan’ further on in the article. Please excuse my cynicism but it is all just so predictable. As I’ve been going on about for quite some time now, we have 42K homeless. I’m wondering if any of those people will be housed? They pulled all the subsidizing of community housing so the councils would ‘have’ to sell their pensioner housing stock (at fire sale prices see Horowhenua who have all but gifted ours away and to a property developer who started a front company called ‘Compassion Horowhenua’, ‘compassion’, bring on the violins… one week before the sale). Not all that clever really.

The Horowhenua District Council all but gifted their community housing plus land to a property developer (Willis & Bond) with a front company Compassion Horowhenua

In Christchurch they are doing the same, selling to developers with front companies/partnerships. Our Horowhenua Council CE and majority of councillors (who excluded the Mayor from all planning and execution of the deal) have told what looks like porkie after porkie on this – their ‘long term’ agreement with ‘wrap around services’   for the elderly (more violins) is actually only 12 years which should see out the existing pensioners unless they live beyond 90 odd and haven’t been expunged yet by the Liverpool Care Pathway. This is how little they really care about people so don’t fall for the ‘we care about you’ line when just weeks before election time they start bringing out the bribes, having coldly ignored homelessness, child poverty & suicide stats for years now.

Hear former Aussie politician Anne Bressington speak about Agenda 21, the forerunner to Agenda 2030

This is all about Agenda 2030 again (aka Agenda 21). The ‘trojan’ horse I referred to earlier.

The United Nations action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.  (Rosa Koire)

The ‘trojan’ horse of Agenda 2030 has been carefully & quietly working away in our midst in the form of transformed local government with the now well known terminology ‘sustainable development’. They are known also (those committed to the plan) as ICLEI councils (International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives).

ICLEI Councils are part of the Agenda 30’s method of installing their plan planet wide

Now incorporated and listed on Dun & Bradstreet as companies councils are a different animal to what we had previously. (See image below).

RDC on dun and brad.png
Rangitikei District Council listed on Dun & Bradstreet’s company register … search your own DC and find it there also

For starters their CEs (no longer humble Town Clerks) are on top salaries of one quarter of a million and more. The key method of the Agenda in stripping nations of their sovereignty is selling off their assets, done through the public private partnerships we are seeing now.

“We are at present working discreetly, with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.”
Arnold ToynbeeInternational Affairs, p.809, November 1931

The partnership for instance between Willis & Bond and the Sisters of Compassion in Horowhenua. An excellent exposé of this is the late Joan Veon’s book, ‘Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince’, you will find that still on Amazon or Abebooks. Veon worked for the UN for many years. Also read Rosa Koire’s ‘Behind the Green Mask’, watch her videos on Youtube, plus those of former Aussie politician Anne Bressington on the topic. It is very clandestine because they know you won’t like it. They are quietly and gradually whittling away your freedoms. Willis & Bond who were all but gifted Horowhenua’s community housing recently, and who have built apartments in Auckland and other places, refer to their retaining of car storage under the apartments because ‘they’ (that’s you) are not ready yet to go car less. We’ll be under “24 hour surveillance” says the CEO, for our safety of course. “Not that it isn’t already safe” he adds, in case the safety term puts you off. This is the plan for Agenda 2030. All living in the cities in ‘human settlement zones’ (their words), in high rise apartments, without cars, all riding bicycles, with our up market smart appliances connected to our smart meters, keeping track of everything we do. At this point in time it’s a choice. They don’t intend for it to remain that way however.

Since 2012 the Nats have been landbanking some 3K state homes that your forbears built (Photo credit at the link)

The new UN plan (well it’s fairly old actually, it’s just they haven’t fully told us about it yet) is about ‘sustainable development’. But have we seen anything that’s sustainable lately, or ever? The pollution’s getting increasingly worse with only 40% of rivers now swimmable, and while they sell our water offshore for profit (for themselves, & we were told Agenda 21 was about helping the poor) we have to buy it at a much higher price, as much as 500 times more. Then generally we have to filter it because it’s now full of chemicals … added to kill the bacteria from all the pollution.

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Horowhenua, leading the way in ‘Sustainable development’

(Photo : ©EnvirowatchRangitikei)

You may like to read the latest anyway on the loans. They are for the cities only pretty much. (Ask yourself, why are they not helping the rural areas?) And being interest free is quite the offer you can’t refuse, if you are fortunate enough to have a job & a reasonable income of course. Other things to watch for with Agenda 2030 are the rates hikes in rural areas (see what Mangawhai has gone through). A small town resident told me recently he pays more in rates in a town of 6K than he did in Christchurch and has less services. (Also read Naomi Jacobs’ ebook on the topic regarding Kaipara rates – she explains Fabian Socialism for you which is the basis of Agenda 2030 and the ‘religion’ if you like of those who are pushing it).

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Mangaweka in the central North Island, one of the many small formerly thriving towns that our govt/corporation shut down by the withdrawal of essential facilities

Also watch for the deterioration of the roads. They are finishing off what they began a few decades back when they shut down all the services … health, hospitals, banks, post offices, pharmacies and so on. Due to financial constraints we were told at the time, but really just a matter of priorities and what our esteemed leaders told us we would be getting (or not getting as the case would be) and in keeping with this long term Agenda that’s been in the planning for a couple of hundred years or more. Global governance or the new world order as it’s also known by, and which was first announced publicly by Bush Snr after the Gulf War, is not the benign friendly governance they would have you believe. No wars, all in agreement, a healthy environment. No, it is about world dictatorship by one government that is very fascist. If you don’t believe me on fascist, see what happened in the links below to NZ folk who exposed corruption in recent years. Read all the links above also and you will see. I intend to write more on this disturbing plan for ‘global governance’, especially as it applies to us here in NZ, so watch this space.


Exposing Corruption

See How Rodney District Council Deals to People Who Expose its Corruption Pt 1

Exposing the Pollution of Your waterways May Well Incur a Violent Backlash

Censured Horowhenua councillor claims council is corrupt and orchestrated assaults

Also Related

Aussie Land Grab by Rabo Bank: this is Agenda 21/30 aka sustainable development in full flight, learn about this UN plan to inventory & control literally everything – be warned

Fabian influence on Council developments in NZ

The TPPA is dead!

Here is It’s Our Future’s latest update on the TPPA and it’s very good news! Please share this … EnvirowatchRangitikei

The TPPA is dead

After years of campaigning the TPPA is finally dead.

In the aftermath of the United States election, President-elect Trump has made it clear that he intends to withdraw from the agreement on his first day in office.  Republicans and Democrats in the US House of Representatives and Congress have also stated that they will not try to push the agreement through before Trump is inaugurated on 20 January 2016.

Although there was some half-hearted talk of the TPPA going ahead without US involvement at the APEC summit in Peru, there is no realistic chance of this happening.  First, as Professor Jane Kelsey has pointed out, for the TPPA to go ahead without the US would require the consent of all parties involved, including the US itself.  Any arrangement between the remaining countries would have to be renegotiated as an entirely new agreement. Secondly, the chances of this happening are close to zero as many of the TPPA countries were engaged in the negotiations in the hope of gaining increased access to the US market for their goods and services.  The Japanese Prime Minister has since written off a TPPA without the United States as “meaningless“.

The death of the TPPA is a victory for the campaigners and activists who have fought the agreement in all of the potentially affected countries.  While it is Donald Trump who will formally kill the agreement in January next year, the TPPA was on its last legs long before Trump was elected.  It was the efforts of grassroots campaignersthat delayed back the negotiations so that they fell within the US election cycle, and who made the agreement a political liability for both the US political parties and for the politicians pushing the negotiations elsewhere.  In New Zealand, the civil society campaign against the TPPA has been enormous and in February this year saw the biggest protests the country has seen in many years.  In doing this we were part of the international movement that ultimately stopped the agreement in its tracks.  Thank you all for your efforts.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Amendment Bill 

Despite Trump’s strong anti-TPPA position, the National-led government insisted on pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Amendment Bill through Parliament during the media black-out that followed the US election.  This has understandably caused alarm for some, but fortunately there is nothing to worry about.

Although the TPPA implementing legislation was passed by the New Zealand Parliament, it cannot and will not come into effect unless the TPPA “comes into force for New Zealand” – see s 2 of the Bill here. The TPPA will not come into force unless ratified by countries representing 85% of the GDP covered by the agreement.  This cannot happen with the US, whose GDP vastly exceeds 15% of the GDP of TPPA countries.  For more detail, check out the excellent analysis of the implementing legislation by Professor Geddis of the Otago University law school.

The National Party’s stubbornness in passing implementing legislation for a dead agreement was a wasteful exercise in futility on the Government’s part, as pointed out by new Green Party MP and former It’s Our Future Coordinator Barry Coates.

What next after the TPPA?

Although the TPPA is gone, there are other international agreements to be concerned about.

The most immediate possible threat to the New Zealand public is the Trade in Services Agreement (“TiSA”), a proposed agreement to create restrictions on the regulation of international trade in services, particularly banking, health care and transport.  This agreement, like the TPPA, is being negotiated in secret.  There are 23 parties to the TiSA agreement, most significantly the US, the EU, and Japan.  It was rumoured that TiSA was due to be completed at a meeting of the member countries’ finance ministers in early December.  This meeting has been cancelled, however, because of both disagreement between the US and EU on certain key issues, and because it is unclear what stance the Trump administration will take on the agreement.  For now, at least, TiSA is looking shaky.

A further concern is the recent announcement that New Zealand and China will renegotiate their free trade agreement.  At this stage there are few details available about the scope of the new negotiations.  We will monitor this very closely and keep you updated, particularly if there is any hint that some of the more toxic elements of the TPPA (such as ISDS) are on the table.

Finally, with the TPPA dead there is some speculation that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations (involving China and India) may become more significant. This remains to be seen. As with the US-NZ FTA and TiSA, will keep you up to date with any RCEP developments through this bulletin or on the It’s Our Future facebook page.

Thank you again for your campaigning against the TPPA.  The end of the agreement is a victory for the people over corporate interests, and we should celebrate.

It is, however, bitter-sweet that the end of the TPPA may be associated for some with the rise of a xenophobic and bigoted populist to the presidency of the United States.  In resisting the TPPA, we have stood against corporate power and its influence on the political process. We have also stood against the neo-liberal globalisation that has grown inequality within and between nations just as activists in the 90s and early 2000s fought against the WTO and the toxic policies of the IMF and World Bank. Rejecting these things does not mean rejecting a diverse and inclusive society, nor is it no excuse for bigotry or xenophobia. We are fortunate in New Zealand to have seen very little of this in the campaign against the TPPA and I hope there will be none in the future.While the TPPA is over, there are and will continue to be other similar agreements to monitor and to resist.  As well as being part of a coordinated international campaign, your efforts part of the tradition of resistance to unfair trade agreements and corporate power that stopped the Multilateral Agreement on Investment in 1997 and the Doha Round of the WTO in the years that followed.  This struggle will continue and we all have to remain on our toes.

Kia kaha koutou,

Stephen Parry
It’s Our Future Coordinator

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See How Rodney Council Deals to People Who Expose its Corruption Pt 1

Exposing District Council Corruption

We’ve witnessed recently the cover up of the Horowhenua District Council’s role in polluting their own waterways, and the revelations by a whistle-blower, on the way she and fellow Councillors were coerced into “toeing the line”. Basically … Council corruption.

Here we have corruption of an even more sinister kind in the Auckland district in terms of suppressing dissension about their practices. Unlike the Horowhenua district example, it is not centered on conservation, but reflects what is becoming quite a familiar methodology employed by Councils. Russell Malcolm’s story, told by himself, will shock you and hopefully urge you to action. After exposing Rodney Council corruption around building consents some ten years ago, the entire Council was fired. However, the next time he attempted this, he was met with a scenario that could only be described as your worst nightmare. The first video is concise and tells you basically what happened to him,  the second gives full detail of Mr Malcolm’s very disturbing experience at the hands of Police, the Rodney District Council and even John Key.

The Rodney Council

To see how all of this outworked in the Rodney Council, watch the Vinny Eastwood coverage here or on Youtube. Follow the links.

NZUncovered (Youtube channel)

Thanks to Vinny Eastwood Mr News for this item.
Russell Malcolm questioned extortion at Rodney Council, and several years later Auckland Council staff retaliated by blocking the processing of a consent application. After 2 years of stalling Russell advised council he would be going public.

As he commenced to he was arrested and silenced by gag order bail conditions, coming from Prime Minister John Key.

The matter was highly embarrassing to John Key’s Government at election time.

Three hours after his urgent arrest and detention a town planner is contacted to be the complainant, after being referred to as an ‘evil bitch’ in a blog she was not party to.
No one has ever been charged for such an offense before and no such offense exists under NZ law.
Three months later his home and business is raided twice by Police, forcing the loss of his business. The reason given is because he has pleaded not guilty.

A year later his home and other properties are seized in a joint covert, Police, ASB Bank operation.
Russell arranges refinancing with another Bank, which ASB prevents by blocking access to a valuer. ASB then undersell the properties at half value.”

Watch the video and learn the outcome.

United Nations Agenda 21

What we have seen in the past decade or more with District Councils, is a switch from the old school democracies where Councillors truly represented the views and wishes of their rate payers, to a very different animal. Witness the above scenario experienced by Mr Malcolm and as referred to, the Horowhenua debacle with the sewage spillage into the local waterways. Although I’m not personally a fan of Cameron Slater, he summarizes here some growing anomalies with District Councils. He describes a Government culture that’s in ‘moral decay’.

For further insight into this increasingly familiar scenario, listen to former Australian politician, Anne Bressington’s  speech on this topic as she saw similar happening in her country. Agenda 21 is planet wide, basically, the filtering down into our local governments of the United Nations’ agenda termed, ‘Agenda 21’. It is masked with environmental rhetoric however, as you will see, it is everything but. (See also our Agenda 21 in NZ  page).

“We are at present working discreetly, with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.”                                                       Arnold Toynbee – International Affairs, p.809, November 1931

Watch for Parts 2 and 3 of Russell Malcolm’s story.




“Toe the line and deny any pollution by the HDC” was the clear message given by Mayor Brendan Duffy to Horowhenua District Councillors – a former HD Councillor speaks out