Tag Archives: I do not consent

Must Watch! Legal Non Consent Forms: Solutions Empowerment

From uncensored.co.nz

All the hard work is done for you on this site, Solutions Empowerment, and it’s made so simple!

From Rose at the ConTrail

AND they are bringing out the same process for 5G! 

You can also learn how to respond to the police at this website.  It is a genuine legal site that has been operating successfully for many years.. You do not have to join the site but a small koha ($5) is asked for to cover the work.  For a legal filing, this is a token.  I have joined the site and will be keeping a close eye on the legalities.


Video  https://youtu.be/9k3a1AT9t8U

Source documents  https://solutionsempowerment.com/nonconsent1

Many blessings to the amazing activists working with Sue Grey in Nelson.


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay