Tag Archives: hydro project

Meet the next ‘Moa’ … Why is the NZ Green Party not condemning the extinction threat to the critically endangered Teviot Flathead?

By Craig Hutchinson

Earlier this week I looked on the NZ Green Party’s website for a statement on the Labour-led government’s Lake Onslow ‘pumped hydro’ project. I couldn’t find one. So I asked the retiring Green Party Energy and Resources Spokesperson, Gareth Hughes. I included a link to my earlier post:


I think I have offended him. His response:

I would like to decline the opportunity thank you. When your first line is “First we have a fake-left Prime Minister with a fake Covid19 narrative. Now her fake Labour Party (they’ve just destroyed thousands of workers jobs) is pushing a fake energy policy.” And you quote that thoroughly discredited Michael Moore documentary I don’t feel it would be a worthwhile conversation.

Interesting. I didn’t ask for a conversation. I asked for the Green Party’s position on the Lake Onslow proposal.



Photo credit: minds.com