Tag Archives: Church

OUT – IMMEDIATELY! Pastor shuts down illegal attempt to end church service

I believe that this is the US. Much bluff is going on as I hear from people in other places. I get interesting feed back even from NZ on the bluffing that happened during our major lockdown in 2020, where ‘Nazis’ (officials from various health/local/authorities etc) show up at said venue ordering them to shut down. (In the instances I’ve heard… shops basically). When bluff was called they did not return. That looks like outright bullying and intimidating folks into believing they had to. This is illustrated clearly in this video. The bullies stand around a bit trying to get a word in, but clearly have no legal mandate (or they would stay & arrest or enforce their ‘laws’), instead they all retreat & clear off. Remember the suicides we had in NZ? A butcher in Auckland took his life, his business ruined. Very sad. Does Jacinda Adern care about those? I don’t believe so. EWR

Watch a video of this event at the link below:



‘Get out! Get out!’: Crowd at Vancouver restaurant chants at health official (VIDEO)

Photo: screen shot

UNICEF and WHO are sterilizing girls through vaccines – from Vatican Radio

Vatican Radio last week charged that United Nations organizations promoting population control are using vaccines to surreptitiously sterilize women in Third World countries. Kenya’s Ministry of Health, along with the UN organizations — World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF — deny the charges, which carry the full weight of the Vatican. Vatican Radio is the official “voice of the Pope and the Church in dialogue with the World.”

“Catholic Bishops in Kenya have been opposed to the nationwide Tetanus Vaccination Campaign targeting 2.3 million Kenyan women and girls of reproductive age between 15-49 years, terming the campaign a secret government plan to sterilize women and control population growth,” reported Vatican Radio, as it took the occasion of the ordination of a Kenyan Bishop, Joseph Obanyi Sagwe, as an opportunity to remind the world of its concern.

The church, which operates 30% of Kenya’s health care facilities and has been providing health care in Kenya for more than 100 years, is not opposed to vaccinations. To the contrary, its health facilities have long been administering vaccines as part of its public health mission.



See the UN Agenda 21/2030 program. And yes they’re operating here in NZ through our Councils as well in case you think we’re exempt. We’re told depopulation is good as there are too many people on the planet. The big lie. There is ample room and resources for all on the planet, it is just that a wealthy few want it all for themselves. (Read Susan George’s exposé ‘How the Other Half Dies’ on that, it’s available as a free pdf online). Study Agenda 21/2030 and see what the UN agenda is. They plan to inventory and control every piece of land and every resource on the planet (see Rosa Koire’s info on that).  As to vaccines, Bill Gates is on record as advocating vaccines for population control (and we all thought they were to save lives). Watch when there’s a disaster in a poor country and the help will arrive in the form of the military and a stock of measles vaccines or similar. (You will have noted this if you watch/read alternative media, not mainstream). 



