Tag Archives: car registration

Tracking you via your vehicle rego – 5G, (not) smart cities & total surveillance

Here is a look into the ‘wonders’ of 5G (yes you’ll be able to download stuff in mere seconds, the selling point for the less aware) … and how you are already being watched, set to ramp up in the evolving-in-plain-sight (not) smart cities. Facial recognition, car registration, social media, all keeping tabs on you. I visited Tauranga (NZ) last year, avoiding the new toll roads, as the freeways get bigger & busier, I was concerned (being your typical ‘country bumpkin’) about how to pay on them. My friend later informed me I wouldn’t need to. The cameras capture your rego & you’re billed in the mail. And sure, we all knew this capability with the speed cameras we’ve had operating for eons, but this brings the reality of it all to life. The seeming benign beginnings that morph into something none of us truly envisaged at the start. We’ve all been captured by stealth. In the name of security and safety. Ironic since ‘they’ have proven to have zero concern about our safety. I’ve been compiling a bit of info lately on the smart street lighting that will be hooked up apparently to 5G. The advanced versions we’re seeing in the dumb (not smart) city models feature cameras. A reader tells me there are camera versions in Palmy North apparently. So in 12 months (according to the time frame I’ve been hearing about) we will have 5G frying us all, as we rejoice over fast internet download?  I’m also told there is already 5G (unofficially) in Wanaka & Invercargill. And yet, world wide, health professionals are expressing their deep concern over this tech that is harmful to humans (to everything) with no data offered us on research into safety. The awake people have already joined the dots on that one.  They are rolling it out regardless anyway, no surprizes given they continually deny the damage done to us by the already present cell phone masts with their cancer clusters under them. 

Have a listen to the video & I will post eventually on the associated street lamps that are appearing everywhere. They’ve just changed all the bulbs in my district (elsewhere also readers tell me) … they are way brighter. Other places (eg the UK) have recorded illnesses following. A reader has told me of illnesses following installation of theirs in Whanganui. Finally, remember also that the smart cities (everything smart) are related to so called ‘sustainable development’ (seen anything sustainable happening lately aside from developers’ bank balances? I certainly haven’t) which is pretty much Agenda 21/30. Check out also Agenda 21/30 in NZ.Google Agenda 21 these days & you’ll get the ‘sustainable’ mantra.

Here are some links for wider info (Barry Trower a must watch) :

Follow the links below the video also for more information & references cited. 

Published on Dec 29, 2018

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Photo: Screenshot from the video