Tag Archives: build back better

NZ’s new PM Hipkins uses ‘globalist speak’ in his first speech to Parliament

Getting off on the right foot Hipkins (who let’s face it wouldn’t be PM if he weren’t a globalist puppet) is spouting their ‘build back better’ rhetoric we’ve been ‘treated’ to since the announcement of the WEF’s (not) great reset that will leave we underlings owning nothing whilst they continue to swan about in personal jets paying lipservice to their other slogan ‘sustainable development’.
Bought & paid for (thanks-to-Ardern) Stuff reports:

“Chris Hipkins commits to ‘build back better’, anticipating billions needed for cyclone recovery” … Stuff

And Australia’s ABC News reports:

“We’ve got to build back better, we’ve got to build back safer and we’ve got to build back smarter” … ABC News

Ardern also pledged, on election night, to build back better. (Warning, before reading at the link get your little paper bag ready)….

“transform[ing] New Zealand into a better place for all of us – a place where we and our children have real hope for a more fair, thriving and abundant future” ..


Other globalist leaders with the BBB speak

Build Back Better (the official NZ site)
BBB Aotearoa New Zealand are a group of sought-after researchers and expert practitioners with reputations for high-quality work and delivery.”

Chris Hipkins commits to ‘build back better’, anticipating billions needed for cyclone recovery

Five ways NZ will be much better if Jacinda makes good on her promise to Build Back Better

“Build Back Better” Principles for Reconstruction (post Christchurch quake)

Photo: screenshot

The truth about the Great Reset and Build Back Better

Article from mercola.com

EWR Note: NZ (as with all other nations under the ‘spell’ of the globalists) is fully in step with the BBB scam.
Government remains focused on building back better’ (Hon Grant Robertson, Feb 2021). BBB even has a special NZ website here About Build Back Better:
“While there has been some debate on the meaning and suitability of the phrase “Building Back Better”, we have embraced BBB as an important concept for pre- and post-disaster resilience building in-line with the United Nations, World Bank, and international researchers and authors including Clinton, Monday, Khasalamwa and Kennedy.”

“The coronavirus pandemic gives the world a chance to reset and ‘build back better'”, former Prime Minister Helen Clark says… (article & video at the link).

Dare I say it? Knowing what we do about man made disasters, this article from mercola.com rings very true. Remember the globalist ‘Lockstep’ plan? (Articles on that topic here).

Read the mercola article below:

Story at-a-glance

  • Top political figures and Big Tech leaders are using the common refrain that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to “reset” and “build back better”
  • Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab first started circulating the idea of The Great Reset, of which “build back better” is an integral part of
  • The COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a justification for the movement, but the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through technical surveillance
  • Citing pandemic-induced unemployment, record levels of global government debt and a shrinking world economy, Schwab warns that the COVID-19 crisis is going to exacerbate environmental issues and social crises, such as rising inequality
  • The reset solution is to “build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems,” which everyone should adapt to since the pandemic has “shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles”
  • “Building back better” envisions a world in which you’re tied to an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, have a “social credit” ID that can run every facet of your life and own no personal property

Top political figures and Big Tech leaders are using the common refrain that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.” But what does it really mean to “build back better”?

Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab first started circulating the idea of The Great Reset, of which “build back better” is an integral part.

“There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis,” WEF states on their Great Reset website. So WEF started The Great Reset initiative as a method to “improve the state of the world.”1

It’s a lofty description but again one that actually tells you nothing. “Build back better” is a tagline of sorts for The Great Reset, and though this is being played off as a new initiative, it’s simply a rebranding of terms for technocracy and the old “New World Order.”



Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Another slogan from the globalists

Kiwis if you search the slogan ‘build back better NZ’ in google it features prolifically in NZ. Worth a listen … the globalists are fond of their slogans being the great propagandists that they are. Controlling your thoughts, one at a time. EWR

RELATED NZ LINKS, thanks to Martin Harris at Uncensored:

Post-disaster reconstruction in Christchurch: a “Build Back Better” perspective

Five ways NZ will be much better if Jacinda makes good on her promise to Build Back Better

“Build Back Better”Principles for Reconstruction