Tag Archives: Ardern

Rumble Could Be Banned In UK Under New Online Safety Laws

From expose-news.com

Expose-news.com is constantly under threat of closure … remember Kiwis JA is still intent on the same censorship push going forwards, shutting down truth by calling it hate speech. This is global … remember the lockstep. The ‘safety’ term is laughable. Like the ‘safe & effective’ that isn’t … EWNZ

The article:
“Rumble, the free-speech video hosting website could be banned in the UK under new online safety laws. As reported here a couple of days ago, the Online Safety Bill was approved by the House of Lords on the 19th of September but still needs official approval from the King before it can become law. This has not deterred the government from trying to coax platforms such as YouTube, to ban Russell Brand due to allegations of historical abuse.

Again as we reported last week, while YouTube dutifully obeyed, Rumble stayed true to their mission and responded “Although it may be politically and socially easier to join the cancel culture mob, doing so would be a violation of our companies values and mission. and finished with “We emphatically reject the UK Parliament’s demands.”

Unfortunately, now “experts” have said that Rumble, which hosts Russell Brand, could be blocked in the UK because of the Online Safety Bill.”


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The remote & covid-free nation of Tokelau is rolling out the CV VX & citizens declining it risk house arrest & phone confiscation

  • There has never been a covid case in Tokelau & there is no airport there
  • To get there, you fly to Samoa then take a 26 hour boat ride to the island where you then have to go from the boat onto a barge to get to the island.

The NZ Defense Force recently delivered supplies of the Pfizer experimental CV shot by ship to a nation that has had not one case of covid to date. Comments on social media by contacts of those in the affected nation indicate that declining the VX, as some have, brings house arrest and phone confiscation.

One needs to ask, why confiscate the phones of those who make an informed decision contrary to the nation’s official narrative? Going by the rationale if you like of official protocols, then separation makes sense but taking away their phones? What will this achieve? Aside from more stress?

These islands are clearly remote enough to indicate that any risks of contamination are slim indeed. And yet Tokelau’s administration, under the leadership of PM Jacinda Ardern’s father Ross Ardern (appointed by JA) has decided that every single person has to receive the shot.

Here are the articles on topic from mainstream :

Pfizer vaccine roll-out begins in Covid-free Tokelau

Inflatable dinghies and Zoom medical training: how a remote Pacific atoll got Pfizer

Covid 19: Vaccines delivered to remote Tokelau in Pacific islands



(Sidney Clare writes & quotes)


“Since Tai and Julie got there, Tokelau saw its first full immersion baptisms… people getting delivered and baptised in Holy Spirit.
In Tokelau there are 3 atolls (Nukunonu, Fakaofo and Atafu)… Tokelau is its own nation with its own language and culture but it is under NZ administration. There was a 4th island but in 60s or 70s, NZ and USA did a under the table deal and it was given to USA. Men, women and children were deported off so many now live abroad.

There is approx 700 people on Atafu.

And similar numbers on other 2 islands.

Jacinda Ardern’s (NZ PM) father was appointed by Jacinda as the administrator for Tokelau (he’s high up in free masonry and a globalist like his communist daughter).

Now here’s the facts;

  • There has never been a covid case in Tokelau
  • There is no airport in Tokelau
  • To get there, you fly to Samoa then take a 26 hour boat ride to the island where you then have to go from the boat onto a barge to get to the island.

Can you see how ridiculous it is?

We had a group call with the team in Tokelau…wow I was in tears…. one young guy in his early 20s was explaining that his parents are mad at him for not complying. One lady’s husband is angry at her. There’s a group with ps Tai and Julie of about 15…Tai said they’re the resistance.

Today the roll-out of Vax begins … either God intervenes so roll out can’t happen, or they stand and go into fiery furnace of losing their job, then ultimately being banished from their home of Atafu. Already they are being ostracized for their decisions.

They researched and found out that Tokelau is first nation to make it mandatory period.

Please pray for them.

Update is they were separated as a group and prohibited from seeing each other (they were coming together daily to worship and pray together). They were placed under house arrest (no prison in Tokelau)

This all happened Monday. [26 July].

Photo: By CloudSurfer at en.wikipedia, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3834890
The square in the centre of the village of Fakaofo on Tokelau.

NZ is spending $20 billion on military hardware while 43K remain homeless

Yes, sure we really do need all this military hardware in NZ … after all it’s all rolling out across the US as well. Key did quite a bit of footwork on that front as I recall, oiling the war machine with his (expensive) celebrations in Auckland. And now as we have the global agenda 21/30 unfolding right in front of our eyes, and looming fascist plans for global vaccination among other things, well as Trump himself said, he will call on the military to assist with that. Adern’s given quite a few millions we can’t afford (but no worries they’ll just conjure up some more out of thin air to cover it) and well, what’s a few billion for tanks and things? We sure need those more than we need homes for the homeless don’t we, given the other part of the govt sold a quarter of them off to their property developer mates. But no worries again, Adern will just keep popping them into motels well at least it makes it look like something’s being done. Meanwhile whatever happened to the most recent suicide stats I heard they disappeared off the MOH website just before the cv lockdown. Anybody know? Guess they knew it would escalate for some in such trying and stressful times … especially those whose businesses hit the wall, or those who really were afraid of the pandemic that was predicted to kill off millions.

Enjoy your military hardware peeps. You might well see some of it rolling down your street one day soon. EWR

From Stuff

Defence Minister Ron Mark is standing by a huge military spend-up amid the economic havoc wrought by coronavirus.

He says the spending, the most since the depths of the Cold War, is required because climate change will place new demands on the NZ Defence Force (NZDF).

Billions have already been committed to new equipment such as the four P8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft set to replace the P-3 Orions.

After locking in five new Super Hercules to replace the Air Force’s aged transport fleet, Mark said his top priority is sorting out new armoured vehicles for the Army.

LINK: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300031072/defence-minister-defends-huge-military-spend-amid-economic-downturn?fbclid=IwAR0bpHygemLbkCKh6zhEzarReBCGplrJIxFw2COmryJOIttowYC2e06_k78

The big ‘sustainable’ LIE – NZ Govt quietly grants mining exploration permit inside Māui dolphin sanctuary

Seen anything sustainable happening since Rogernomics? Since the inception of the Agenda 21 plans? All that seems to be happening really is more rape & pillage with the blessing of the respective governments which really aren’t too different (in case you hadn’t noticed) … same bird different wings, offering you the illusion of choice. The Agenda 21 buzz word ‘sustainable’ is a bit of a joke really … three decades on and all we have to show for the outworking of that scheme by the various authorities (namely district & regional councils) is more pollution, more debt, more ‘austerity measures’ (for some… guess who) more poverty, more suicide, more homelessness and little of anything worth celebrating at all. They would like us to swallow the line that they are CONSERVING biodiversity … so they approve mining exploration in a dolphin sanctuary?  They also bomb our native & non native species with a Class 1A Ecotoxin under the same guise. I think folk are waking up to the big sustainable lie now. It’s shot full of holes.  EWR

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, of Ngati Ruanui, says she was shocked to hear of the permit being granted. The iwi is one of 11 organisations appeal Trans Tasman Resources consent to mine off the South Taranaki Coast

From stuff.co.nz

A mining exploration permit has been quietly granted inside a marine sanctuary off the Taranaki coast to protect the endangered Māui’s dolphins.

The decision, which was approved in May, has shocked conservation groups who were unaware of it.

But the Department of Conservation (DOC) had been aware of Ironsands Offshore Mining Ltd’s application since March. It has voiced “significant concerns” about the safety of the dolphins if the exploration proved successful and mining was to go ahead.

In March DOC warned Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage that it was uncertain whether the public was aware of the application and there would be a “high level of interest” if people were told of the development.

Miners given access to Māui dolphin sanctuary
Company defends iron sand mining decision
Consent reduced Māori interest to ‘lip service’
Controversial plan to mine for iron ore approved
Iwi will appeal iron sand mining off Taranaki coast
Iron sand miner wants to fast-track plans

The exploration permit was later granted without seeking resource consent from the Taranaki Regional Council because its coastal plan rules exploration is a permitted activity.

Ironsands also has a permit to explore the seabed of Waihi Beach, in the Bay of Plenty, but this will require recourse consent from the regional council because its coastal plan requires it.

A Taranaki iwi already fighting mining plans off the coast of Pātea in South Taranaki said the approval raised alarm bells.

In an emailed statement, Te Runanga o Ngati Ruanui Trust kaiarataki Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said granting the five year exploration permit in the sanctuary, which runs from Oakura to Maunganui Bluff in Northland, set a dangerous precedent.

“Taranaki has been instructed by this coalition government to transition our economy away from fossil-fuelled industry. To do that we must have certainty that our unique appeal, including natural resources, will be protected,” she said.

In April, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the end of offshore oil and gas exploration, about one month before Ironsands Offshore Mining’s exploration permit was granted.

The permit covers an area almost four times the size of that granted by the Environmental Protection Authority to Trans Tasman Resources (TTR) for mining of the coast Pātea.

The EPA’s decision was appealed by 11 parties and an appeal hearing was held in the High Court at Wellington in April. Justice Peter Churchman has yet to reveal his decision.



PHOTO CREDIT: stuff.co.nz

Are we surprised that Labour’s interim housing targets are scrapped?

The usual foot dragging with nary a mention of all the state house (aka property) sell offs. Forty three thousand still homeless, living in cars, garages & sheds. That hasn’t all gone away meantime, rents soar  to beyond affordable and agents I see now have the luxury of letting applicants make the highest bid. At least the developers are happy. They’ve been having a heyday since Key’s regime.

tom scott dom post today date is 4 may 16

Sad what NZ has become. I spotted a video recently extolling the virtues of Rogernomics. By the Free To Choose, trickle down theorists. Couldn’t resist commenting, ” What a wonderful success this was. We now have 43K homeless. Large part of our State housing stock gone to property developers. One of the highest suicide rates in the world. Highest rate of child poverty in the developed world. Rivers so filthy you can only now swim in 40% of them. Oh and lets not forget the $124,518, 490, 682 debt last time I looked. Great stuff Roger Douglas. First pain (for the poor) then gain (for the rich).

So the KiwiBuild is to be recalibrated as the interim targets are scrapped reports stuff which is of course fancy corporate speak for ‘homelessness is not really a priority’.

The must watch at this point is Bryan Bruce’s ‘Mind the Gap’ documentary. He exposes all of the above. 

KiwiBuild to be ‘recalibrated’ as interim targets are scrapped

KiwiBuild’s “interim” targets for this electoral term have been scrapped as the Government recalibrates the programme.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Housing Minister Phil Twyford told media from their caucus retreat on Wednesday that their commitment to building 100,000 affordable homes over the next decade remains intact, but the interim targets for this term did not.

The Government has been dealing with the fallout from an admission by Twyford that the Government would not be able build 1000 of the homes by July 1, its first interim target. Instead it expects to build just 300.

The KiwiBuild policy aims to build 100,000 affordable homes for first-home buyers over 10 years, half of them in Auckland.

While in Opposition, Labour said the “ramp-up” period would mean only 16,000 of those homes would be built in its first term. Once in Government, Twyford set three interim targets to get to that 16,000 – 1000 by July 2019, another 5000 by July 2020, and another 10,000 by July 2021.

Those targets are now gone, but new interim targets could appear as part of the recalibration process.

Ardern said the interim targets had not been a “useful way” to demonstrate the Government’s progress on the policy.

“Yes we still need to be transparent, we still need to demonstrate to voters the progress we are making.”



Over the last hundred and two years, Labour has demonstrated a loyalty to capitalism that can’t really be faulted

From rdln.wordpress.com

Jacinda & the Elephant

Delivering her pre-Budget speech to a Business New Zealand audience, Labour prime minister Ardern said business confidence was “the elephant in the room”.

Business confidence has apparently been low since the new government took office. A business confidence survey conducted by NZIER found businesses had become pessimistic about economic outlook for the first time in two years after Labour assumed office.

There is no need to worry.

Over the last hundred and two years, Labour has demonstrated a loyalty to capitalism that can’t really be faulted. During the 1951 waterfront workers lockout, possibly the most tense class standoff after the land wars in New Zealand history, Labour delivered for the class they have always answered to. “Labour is neither for nor against the watersiders,” party leader Walter (later Sir Walter) Nash declared.

The pattern of behaviour continued in later years, all down the line.

Following the stock market crash of October, 1987 capitalism was in trouble. State-owned enterprises started shedding thousands of workers. Factories closed – over one hundred and forty in Auckland in less than two years – along with hundreds of shops and offices.

Bankruptcies were up by fifty percent, eighty-six thousand jobs disappeared and unemployment in New Zealand was up to over 180,000 by early 1989.



Photo: Wikipedia (Members of the first Labour Govt 1935)