Tag Archives: 2050

Wellington the ‘Smart Capital’ of 2040 – looks to build pack and stack housing characteristic of Agenda 2030

This article focuses on Island Bay from the Wellington plan for that word again ‘sustainable’ futures. And as always I reflect on the date the ‘Sustainable’ plans kicked off … 1992 with the Earth Summit & the introduction of Agenda 21. It is intriguing always to note that in its first 30 years we are looking less sustainable than ever, witness the disgusting state of pollution, the unprecedented state of homelessness (43K), the never seen before exponential debt both on a personal & a national level, and the child poverty. We rate third highest in the developed world. And still the councils waffle on about sustainability. If this were for real would they not have started out properly 30 years ago? And so they are basing this growth on the prediction we have a 7 million increase in population over the next 50 years. In fact according to one source NZ’s population is forecast to drop by 1.2 million between 2017 and 2025. That is 4.5 to 3.3 million ( a rough estimate of 1.2 million decrease every 8 years) which would see us at an approximate 7.2 million decrease rather than increase by 2070. And this forecast of growth is cited in the plan as justification for cities to go upwards, as high as 6-8 story apartment blocks. An interesting read, all the council documents (links in the article) bristling with that familiar Agenda 21/30 rhetoric. Read at the link below. EWR


If you would like to learn more about Agenda 21/30 follow the links above. You could also listen to a presentation by the NZ Public Advance Party here. They are speaking out about the so called ‘sustainable’ plan which is now a well known feature of proposed global governance.

Photos: Wellington City Council Plan