2 thoughts on “Lies My History Teacher Told Me – Why Americans Believe That Bombing Hiroshima Was Necessary”

  1. History is lies and revision and that’s only for the past two hundred years – if you’re lucky. Go back any further and it’s a nightmare. The dates don’t fit: I came across one guy who was looking at the history of Holland, he had noticed a statue of some past hero. He found it was impossible for the statue to be who it was said to be because there was no Holland at that time – his wife was his sister and so on.
    I get this same thing when I’m doing pages on technology history. I was amazed at Allan Turing, the computer hero. He did practically nothing in developing computers. The movies about him are pure fiction, but now he’s a hero of science. The guy who did all the work was a post office engineer who had the secrecy act slapped on him until the seventies.

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