The Inconvenient Lie – Agenda 21/30

Thanks to Pete Vanderwaal for this link. Debbie Bacigalupi speaks on Agenda 21, published in 2017. As I often highlight, the sustainable lie. Their actions don’t match what they expound. Debbie speaks on dissolving national boundaries, the wild lands, Earth Summits, population control, abolition of private property, smart cities and more. The hypocrisy of those espousing Agenda 21 … they hold huge conferences at the tax payers’ expense, fly there in jets, live high while they are there and pretend to be green. Debbie used to organize their conferences and saw the double speak. An imminent conference she speaks of will cost up to $25K per attendee … obviously only for the wealthy. How sustainable is that? Perhaps their way of excluding the plebs. Definitely a must watch if you were thinking Agenda 21 now 2030 is mere conspiracy. It is fact.

Published on Sep 11, 2017

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