A Whanganui woman has been camping by the river because she cannot find a rental property – neo lib isn’t working Roger Douglas

This was late January, a further article says someone is obtaining a caravan for her but they need somewhere to park it. Of course we can no longer park those just anywhere & in a camping facility, ‘sorry, not long term’. And Whanganui, like many other places in the clean & green (not) land of the ‘blessed’ (few) is experiencing a housing crisis … with 43K homeless in NZ as rental properties sell up like hot cakes. But well, it’s a case of ‘let them eat cake’ pretty much thanks to Roger Douglas & his great neo-lib experiment on the NZ public. And further thanks to Key for more latterly getting rid of so many of our state homes for the benefit of property developers. They should both be jailed for treason.

They’ve brought hard times for the majority & for the rest of their own ilk, they’re now profiteering like pigs into muck.

Good homes for people, sold to property developers by the thousands thanks to the Key corporation

From the NZ Herald

As thousands of New Zealanders enjoy camping holidays this summer, one Whanganui woman is not enjoying the experience.

Helen (not her real name) says she has no alternative but to camp with her pets after losing her rented home late last year.

“I had been renting a cottage on a lifestyle block in Hunterville but the property was sold and the new owners wanted to renovate the dwelling.”

The 64-year-old has rescued many unloved pets during her lifetime and while most have been rehomed, some were living with her and have become her own loved pets.

“I have given away two cats and a couple of goats but I still have three cats, one medium-sized and one small dog and one goat.”

Danny the goat may yet be rehomed but Helen wants to keep him with her if she can because she has had him since he was a “runty little kid”.

“I consider them to be my family and I was upset when a WINZ case worker said I should ask the SPCA to take them.”





Photo: NZ Herald


5 thoughts on “A Whanganui woman has been camping by the river because she cannot find a rental property – neo lib isn’t working Roger Douglas”

  1. There are thousands of people like her & many do not even have a tent, Meanwhile our Government is spending Millions of Dollars on killing our wildlife to enrich themselves.

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