This Could Be Your City: WiFi Densification & 5G Test Runs.

Spirit Strength


I’m pointing to the following information in the interest of you being aware of the growing ubiquity of the hazard and thus the need for thorough and common-sense protection. Staying away from certain areas is protective. Turning things off is protective. Staying in tip-top health is protective … and there’s much more, as those who have read through all my posts will know.

You see, the telecommunications corporations are simply getting on with mega-increasing the intensity of electro-smog. They are not telling us what they are actually doing. You will see it around you if you look though.

In Australia 5G pilot installations and transmissions have started. Same in the UK & the USA. In New Zealand. as far as I know, a long term evolution (LTE) infrastructure is being put in place in readiness for 5G, and I suspect that some sort of intermediary technology connected to 4G is already…

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One thought on “This Could Be Your City: WiFi Densification & 5G Test Runs.”

  1. I think it is more like “This Is Your City” or in some cases “Coming to a Town near you!”. It is really getting beyond a joke to see that all this is happening and the people that supposedly are looking after our best interest (THE GOVERNMENT) are sitting on their backsides taking bribes from all the telco’s. What happened to real government, did that die or something when I wasn’t looking?

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