Smart cities, 5G and EMF pollution: How this ‘new’ technology will INCREASE our exposure to microwave radiation (think cancer risk for starters)

(NaturalHealth365) Across the country, we are beginning to see the rise of so-called “Smart Cities.” The city of the future may include 5G wireless antennas on most utility poles, self-driving vehicles whisking us from place to place, and “Internet of Things” sensors everywhere. But, most people remain uninformed about the dangers of this new technology and the increase in EMF pollution.

We are told that the wireless smart city will bring us into a sustainable future of convenience and ease. However, cracks are appearing in this dystopian vision. At the very time that the smart city is being pushed upon us, our best science now shows how detrimental wireless technology is to our health.

EMF warning: Should we move forward with smart cities if they are ultimately harmful to our health?

In this article, you will learn about the key elements of the smart city and understand the steps to protect your family and community from the health risks of these developing technologies.

What Is 5G?

5G stands for “5th generation” wireless technology. Our devices currently run on 3G and 4G technology, which utilize a limited range of the microwave spectrum. 5G will greatly expand the amount of spectrum used and include high gigahertz range frequencies that have never been used before in consumer devices.

These high frequencies, between 14 GHz and 73 GHz, do not travel as far or penetrate building as easily. However, they will allow for incredibly fast download speeds. This will enable 5G devices to download a movie in a few seconds and will allow companies like AT&T to deliver HBO programs wirelessly, rather than via a cable.

The biggest issue with 5G is that wireless antennas will be placed on most light and utility poles within our neighborhoods. It is estimated that the 5G network will require each of the four major wireless carriers to install one million new base stations. To show you the scale of this expansion, AT&T currently has approximately 70,000 cell sites. This will exponentially increase the amount of microwave radiation in our communities, creating an electromagnetic environment unlike anything humans have ever experienced.