2 thoughts on “Canadian Government Confirms Chemtrails – Geoengineering”

  1. One clever statement I found to be correct is that the Government of the day is not responsible for the “Chem trails” / “Geo-engineering”. Who is doing this is (most likely) known but it appears that governments can do little to stop this. However it is about time that the people from New-Zealand started to LEAN on those ignorant politicians we got in place and get some action going. The main reason?! We, as the, People get blamed for the pollution! Perhaps this pollution is coming from some other source, that we are not capable of controlling!

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    1. Interesting isn’t it Pete? Few years ago when I first contacted them and asked why they allow it they denied weather mod is even a practice (conspiracy). Last time (2yrs ago maybe) it was the admission of geoengineering but no it’s not happening here we place our citizens’ safety as very important… yeah right.


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