NZ’s whitebait species will be totally extinct by 2034, warn environmental scientists

Header Photo Credit: Wikipedia (white baiting net on Hutt River NZ)

So the whitebait are declining our esteemed experts notice. Note, as always with mainstream, they doctor up aka re frame the terminology to make the information more palatable. For example the term “pollution” has become “declining water quality” which is, as we’ve been seeing for at least a century now, human sewage discharged into the waterways, industrial discharge from chemical factories and farming run off including pesticides, fertilizers and animal excrement, as well as the trampling of the edges of the waterways which whitebait need to spawn“. This pollution has all resulted in waterways that are too trashed & fouled for any living organism … and this is re framed as “a reduction in habitat”. Those terms are less distasteful than just plain “shit in the water”. It takes the spotlight off the main polluters also, these are industries run by corporations largely and we need to stay in bed with those because after all economic development is a priority over environment …. as we all know. This is also known as ‘sustainable development’. ‘Yeah right” I hear you say & I totally agree. Sustainable development is a scam right out of Agenda 21 now 2030 (the updated more fascist version, (see also Agenda 21/30 in NZ). And you’re thinking ‘fascist’ is rather extreme a term … not if you really look hard. And especially if you’ve ever tried to stop this pollution. In some countries you could be murdered for such a ‘crime’ as exposing polluting practices, however here in New Zealand (clean and green, GE free, corruption free, nuclear free and so on is the general fake spin) we’re a little more covert than that.   Note in their list of possible solutions … “ending commercial whitebaiting, introducing catch allowances for recreational whitebaiters and an independent review of the long-term sustainability of the fishery …” they all focus on fishing and nothing much about addressing the “declining water quality”. 
If you watch the following video from the Horowhenua you’ll hear also the commentary on how the whitebait breeding grounds are being destroyed by dairy beef cattle in un fenced water ways. (Dairy cattle are not allowed in the waterways, dairy beef cattle are … go figure on that one, courtesy of our Regional Council).


NZ’s whitebait species will be totally extinct by 2034, warn environmental scientists

Whitebait fritters a Kiwi favourite Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Environmental scientists are warning the government that all five native whitebait species will become extinct by 2034 if action isn’t taken immediately.

Massey University’s Kyleisha Foote and Pierce McNie presented a petition with more than 3000 signatures to the Primary Production Select Committee this morning.

They say commercial whitebait fishing, declining water quality, and a reduction in habitat are behind the falling number of whitebait.

According to the scientists, without immediate action one of the five whitebait species could be extinct within three years and all five will be extinct in 2034.

“We have known about the decline for a long time yet there has been no change in the management of the fishery in the last 20 years,” said Foote.

“We’re thinking if we don’t do anything now there’s going to be no whitebait left for recreation whitebaiters to go and be able to catch a feed.”


They made a raft of recommendations including ending commercial whitebaiting, introducing catch allowances for recreational whitebaiters and an independent review of the long-term sustainability of the fishery.


10 thoughts on “NZ’s whitebait species will be totally extinct by 2034, warn environmental scientists”

    1. We published a book called “The New Goobledygook” by Peter Isaac in 2004 on the use of language like this; all the subtle nuances and real meanings, in 2 parts, the first part a dictionary and the 2nd part translations of actual pronouncements. Still available!

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    Lets educate the Public with the facts as to why not ONLY will our Indigenous native aquatic life WHITE BAIT-INANGA be extinct but many more AQUATICE LIFE OF INDIGNOUS Unique Maori Food Supplies of the Hunters & Gatherers WARRIOR DIET. The reason is clear –
    A CHEMICAL & MINING CULTURE VS AN INDIGNEOUS CULTURE cannot tatau tatau! There is NO ‘WE TOGEWTHER’ between British slavery chemical rule & the Indigenous Maori people of New Zealand. The line is NOW being drawn up! OUR FUTURE FOR NEW ZEALAND IS INDEPENDENCE TO PROTECT OUR INDIGENOUS SPECIES AND OUR UNIQUE HIGH QUALITY FOOD SOURCES. We must End British oppressive Office Administrations by dis-empowering queen elizabeth rubbish rules of kkk Land laws to favour pakeha greed. Mass chemicals poured into OUR Waterways and the amounts of Chemical is out of control! A MAORI GOVERNMENT WITH A NEW JUSTICE COURT SYSTEM IS THE INEVITABLE FUTURE! The coat of arms of their queen elizabeth (1953-present) and all its quadrants 1st: Stars for the Banks, 2nd Lamb fleece for Beef & Lamb farming industry, 3rd Sheaf of wheat for Agriculture 4, Cross Hammers for Mining. It is ALL a 50 year CONSEQUENCE OF PAKEHA ARROGANCE AND GREED using the Whenua – land, Waterways, and Our Airways to be OVERDOSED WITH POISONOUS CHEMICAL USE affecting Humans, Animals – Birdlife etc and Aquatic life. A TRANSITIONAL CHANGE OUT FROM queen elizabeth and her peoples Office Administrations of Courts, Banks, media, Health & Education, Religion – A MASS CLOSURE THIS ENTIRE EMPIRE IS COMING TO PASS! As we transition Out to a NEW WORLD ORDER OF NEW ZEALAND AFFAIRS under the Maori Queen Authority and Court! I SPY WITH MY ALL SEEING EYE OF JUSTICE – the endeavour journey is over! A sunken Endeavour!!

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