Key’s true legacy & the farce of his knighthood

Key’s recent knighthood is a clear illustration and reminder of just how corrupt our govt/corp really is. To honour a man under whose watch we’ve descended to 41K homeless, and 3rd highest in child poverty in the world’s developed nations, who is very happy to tax himself & his ilk 2.8% while those in the poverty stats are taxed a whole 28% nearly a third of their income … all makes a hollow farce of the knighthoods in my opinion. Shame on John Key & shame on the pretend NZ govt (that is really a corporation) that honours such rogues. And if you don’t think Enzed’s corrupt as, read this:


You will find this barrister on facebook, consider connecting with him and finding out more truth on this corrupt nation.

And as for honouring former Mayor Duffy, under whose watch we in the Horowhenua heard whistleblowers telling us how he coerced councillors to vote as ‘expected’, and who displays total disrespect for tangata whenua (see our Local Gov Watch pages / Horowhenua for more info on those issues). Such is the rot now in our once democratic nation. Wake up folks & see what’s really happening.

We were reminded not so long ago by the Greens of Key’s real legacy.

“Your desperate, lumbering, grasping attempt at building a legacy with a flag won’t mask the realities.

Hungry kids up
Inequality up
Pollution up
Debt up
Housing costs up
Electricity costs up
Foreign ownership up
Corruption up

Once you may have been a national leader but now you look like just a National Party leader.” READ MORE of transcript or watch the video.

John-Key-Swimming-Pool-Metro-2006And not so long ago UNICEF declared we were third on the list for highest child poverty in the developed world. If you go to their website they’re actually pondering on how to solve this!! And the powers that be have just honoured the leader under whose watch this has developed! Join the dots people. This is not normal. It’s not right. And they are wanting you to honour Key right along with them, in the hope you won’t notice it’s not right.

tom scott dom post today date is 4 may 16


See Bryan Bruce’s recent post featuring this news article:

18 Month Old Julia, the innocent face of modern NZ’s Brutal, archaic boarding houses

Bruce comments:

“A car, a garage, a motel room or boarding house is not a home.
No child should grow up in one.
Please make housing a priority when you cast your vote this year.”

Watch Bruce’s award winning documentary to remind you how this state of affairs developed. No, not the result of lazy parents (those ones who are taxed 28% if they manage to find a job, and another 33% if they should manage to find a second job as many do – while corporations pay almost no tax) … it is a faulty neo lib economic set up that never intended for those aforementioned parents to win. Trickle down is a scam.

Finally (and there are actually more issues I haven’t touched on like NZ’s very high suicide rate) – with our 41K homeless, a reminder that in Auckland 33K homes sit empty, owned by people who don’t even live here, while the Nats have been hocking off all the 15541907_1166773550086274_2314970506684602516_nState Homes our predecessors built with blood sweat and tears after the bankers wars they fought in. The rationale for selling has been to pay off debt, whilst, as Bryan Bruce points out in our article links above, the Housing Corporation was operating at a profit. These people lie to us without even blinking.

So Key has a knighthood that in my opinion means absolutely nothing, in fact it is a damning reflection on the state of our once democratic nation that is now wholly sold out to the banking fraternity that is slowly but surely entwining the entire planet into its plan of global governance aka new world order, aka Agenda 21/2030 that really aims to inventory and control all land and resources on the planet. And it’s right on track.


Thanks to Stop Immigration New Zealand. Population Growth Without Economic Wealth. for the following statistics:

(Reference; Treasury data between 2008-2016 Statistics NZ data 2008-2016 Reserve Bank data 2008-2016 Auckland City pollution data 2008-2016 Wellington City pollution records 2008-2016 Queenstown City Council records 2008-2016 )
Between 2008- 2016:
*The greatest increase in Population In NZ’s history. from 4.2 million in 2008 to 4.7 million today (500,000 people )
*Mortgage debt res $247.5 billion record high, 28 % increase in last 5 years
*Consumer debt $ 15.4 billion, 16 % increase in last 5 years
*Business debt, $91.34 billion
*Agriculture debt, $59.42 billion, record high
*Govt debt $ 112 billion Nov 2016
( all figures from Statistics NZ, Reserve Bank, Treasury)
* 500 000 extra people over the last 8 years, not one new hospital and the longest elective surgery wait lists in years.
* Between2008-2015 no extra funding for Police. Fewer Police per capita pre-Key to post- Key
* 36 million dollars taken out of DOC’s budget ( 2015 ) to pay for the costs of Immigration.
* Massive blowout in Corrections budget to pay for Prisons, 40 million dollars.
* Massive growth costs in Roading, Schooling, Health, Pensions, and Government Bureaucracy.
* More competition for our Fisheries.
* More demand /competition for our fresh water resources.
*More vehicles registered than ever in our history, over an 8 year period.
* Record environmental damage ( air pollution, landfill waste )recorded by councils in a number of main centres. Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton Queenstown.
* Enormous congestion problems now encountered in some of the main centres.

13 thoughts on “Key’s true legacy & the farce of his knighthood”

  1. Giving John Key a knighthood is as ludicrous as giving Obama a Nobel Peace Prize. It only makes sense if one reminds oneself that such honours are bestowed not for services rendered to their country or their fellow countrymen, but for services rendered to the psychopathic elites who run the show.


  2. It is so obviously a political ploy by Bill English three months out from an election. However, the knighthoods scheme has been so discredited by some of the recipients in the past that the majority of people probably disregard them. The simple response everyone can take is not to use them when mentioning the people. As for judges, they are the establishment along with top bureaucrats and to a lesser degree, the boards of big business. America has more checks and balances with its judiciary such as the doctrine of “fraud upon the court” which NZ doesn’t have.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True WW. The Japanese Barrister is certainly enlightening on the true state of affairs we have, given folks crow about how un-corrupt we are. And I agree, don’t use their title.


  3. Hi Pam, I agree that John Key does not deserve to be honoured. It discredits those who do deserve to be on the list. Who decides this list anyway? Not the people of NZ, obviously. I’ve disregarded it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good question Jo. Presumably the high ups recommend/nominate. The Queen n the Gov I would imagine. But yes like you I don’t recognize his status. He has a lot to answer for.

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